Thursday, March 31, 2016

(会員) 2015年3月31日 英会話- RANDOM

(会員) 2015年3月31日 英会話- RANDOM

1. to wreck = to destroy
2. a wrecking ball = a huge metal ball swung from a crane to destroy a building
3. He wrecked me.
4. a wreck = a very damaged and unusable boat, ship, or car
I enjoy diving wrecks in Florida.
5. He is wrecked. = really drunk
6. I had a ball. = I had a great time!
7. to lowball st
8. to underestimate a number
9. to be on the ball = to stay alert
He’s on the ball.
10. <—> to drop the ball = to make a mistake because you did not pay attention
11. to play ball = to cooperate
He agreed to play ball. = (He took the money and) he will cooperate with us.
The criminal agreed to play ball with the police, and in exchange the police agreed not to arrest him.
12. sb’s ball and chain =sb’s wife
13. The ball is in your court.  = It’s your turn.
14. Keep your eye on the ball.  = Pay attention to the goal.
15. Slang: I'm just breaking your balls. = I’m just joking.  = I’m just busting your balls.
16. That’s just the way the ball bounces.  = That’s life.
That's just the way the cooksie crumbles.
17. Slang: He’s got balls. = I admit your bravery.
You got balls, man.  I’ll give you that.
18. Slang: He’s got me by the balls. = He has a very strong advantage over me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

(会員) 2015年3月30日 英会話- abilities & disabilities!

(会員) 2015年3月30日 英会話- abilities & disabilities!

1. born:
He is a born ~.
He is a born leader.
He is a born liar.
He is a born entertainer.  
He is a born teacher.
He is a natural born killer.
He is a natural born + JOB.

2. ~ runs in the family. 
Medicine runs in the family.
Teaching runs in the family.

4. He’s a natural at ~.
He’s a natural entertainer.
He’s a natural singer.

5. He's God's gift to NOUN.
He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.
What are you? God’s gift to women?

6. I tried my best. / I did my best.  / I gave it my best.

7. That guy couldn’t find himself out of a paper bag.
     That guy couldn’t ~ himself out of a ~. 
     That guy couldn’t cook himself out of a kitchen.

8. Dave Spector’s Japanese is great. I can’t hold a candle to his Japanese.

9. He’s a great actor, but he can’t hold a candle to Robert DeNiro.

10. to dabble in st:
I don't know many magic tricks, but I've dabbled a little in card tricks.
I've dabbled in acting/writing.
I've dabbled in magic.

11. to try one’s hand at st = to try
I tried my hand at teaching elementary school, but it wasn’t for me. 

12. ~ is not for me. = 合わない。

(会員) 英会話- Scandals!

March 28, 2016

It’s time to put away all of our winter clothes, and take out our summer clothes.

Should I get my hair cut?
Do you think I should get my hair cut?

He was born with no arms or legs.
He was born with a birth defect.
It's congenital.

He had affairs with 5 different women.
He had at least 50 one-night stands.

He was exposed.
He was outed.

He was born without arms and legs due to a genetic disorder.

He is sick.
How was she responsible for his dalliances?
a dalliance = a casual romantic or sexual relationship.

Ted Cruz is a conservative politician running for president.

It was recently reported that he has had 5 affairs with 5 different women.

If it is true, that would make him a big hypocrite.

Cruz is just trying to save face.

Cruz is blaming Trump for planting the story in the media. 



Everyone says the new Superman vs Batman movie is going to be great. Do you believe the hype.

I wouldn’t believe all the hype. 

Don’t believe all the hype.

The movie was great! It lived up to the hype.

GAME OF THRONES is a hugely popular TV show.

This show has been pirated more than other show in history.

They illegally download the GOT video.

It's a dubious honor.

This show has the dubious honor of being the most pirated show in history.

Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the favorite presidential for racists.

dubious = questionable

Indubitably. = No doubt. = Yes! = Of course. = Without a doubt.

Morgan and his wife run a travel company, and decided to take James out of school on March 3 to go on a last-minute break to Dubai.

last-minute = sudden

Some came up at the last minute.

Please text us a reply with a reason for his absence. called this a no-nonsense reply.

Attackers detonated bombs at the airport and on a metro train beneath the European Union’s capital on Tuesday.
This attack confirmed the worst fears of European officials, who proclaimed the continent at war.

The attack brought the city to a standstill.

Paris officials said they are reinforcing security at airports, train stations and metros.

We need to reinforce this wall.

A senior official of the amusement park, apologized and promised to beef up training to ensure safety.

to beef up = to make stronger (not used with things)

Monday, March 21, 2016

(会員)2016年3月21日(月曜日)English Lesson

(会員)2016年3月21日(月曜日)English Lesson
He said something very compelling the other day that I would like to share with you.

It’s expensive to be poor.

to withdraw  <--> to deposit

withdrawal charges = money you pay to take money out of the bank

your balance = the money you have in a bank

What a rip-off!

mortgage = monthly loan payments

income tax = tax you pay on your yearly salary

Maximum income tax rate: 39.6%

a deduction = money you do not have to pay


welfare / social assistance / the dole = 福祉

(会員) Fri. March 18 - Basic - Advanced PAIN

(会員) Fri. March 18 - Basic - Advanced PAIN
1. My finger hurts.
2. I hurt my finger.
3. 痛いですか? Does it hurt? / Are you in pain?
4. No pain, no gain.
5. Switching out my clothes every season is a pain in the neck.
Idiom: ~ is a pain in the neck/ass.
~ is a pain in the neck/rear/butt/ass.

下品な = vulgar = crude = obscene

= 6. ~ is a royal pain.

7. a sharp pain vs. a dull pain
a sharp pain = 鋭い痛み
dull pain = 鈍痛

8. My sunburn stings.

9. sting / stung / stung
The bee stung me. / The jellyfish stung me.

10. I asked her out on a date, and she said no. Her words really stung me.

11. I exercised too much yesterday. Today I have sore muscles. 

12. I have a sore throat. 

13. a glitch = a problem, usually a computer problem

14. I have a backache / an earache / toothache / headache / stomachache.
I have heartache.
I have a tummy-ache. 
It was excruciatingly painful.

Friday, March 11, 2016

(会員) Fri. March 11 - Random Useful Stuff

(会員) Fri. March 11 - Random Useful Stuff
Today is the 5th year anniversary of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

a death toll = the number of people who died

Maria failed a doping test.

She had tested positive for meldonium.
Meldonium is a banned substance.
negligence = 怠慢、義務を怠ること、手抜き、不注意

to neglect = She neglected her children.

She was negligent.
Any Murray said Maria Sharpova must take responsibility.
Serena Williams is terrified of taking any supplements.

slut-shaming = to try to make a woman feel guilty for sex 
body-shaming = to try to make someone feel bad about their body 
I am on pain-killers.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

(会員) Thurs. March 10 - Random Useful Stuff

(会員) Thurs. March 10 - Random Useful Stuff

1. the 5 aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.

2. The fourth wall
Kevin Spacey sometimes breaks the fourth wall. 

3. Deadpool is a bad ass.
a VERY tough guy

4. Deadpool is also a smart ass. = 思い上がった野郎、生意気なやつ, cheeky

5. He has a great ass. = いいケツしている

6. I’m wearing a power tie. 
power lunch パワー・ランチ
I business lunch. 

7. a status symbol = st that people can see and it makes them think you are successful 

8. Uber - new online taxi type service

9. Cheaper taxi rates to be trialed in Tokyo, Osaka in bid to lure more elderly, tourists
to trial = to try out,
in bid to = in a an attempt

10. Honda debuts Clarity, its first mass production hydrogen car
clarity = clear, clean 
¥7.66 million
¥2 million subsidy.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

(会員) Mon. March 3 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump Part 2

(会員) Mon. March 3 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump Part 2
Today we continue studying:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO) 

Trump is unpredictable and entertaining.

That is objectively funny.
I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.
a protest candidate = someone to vote for to show you don’t like the other choices
候補者 = a candidate
He tells it like it is.
He says what he means.
He's funding his own campaign. Nobody owns him.
aggressive, strong, bold
an organization = a company
He is appealing until you take a closer look -- much like the lunch buffet at a strip club.
The NFL has come under fire recently.
having a pet chimpanzee
limbs = arms and legs
Politifact = 76% of Trumps statements are false
Jon Stewart recently retired as host of The Daily Show.
Jonathan Leibowitz
He should be proud of his heritage.
2:50 I never attacked dopey Jon Stewart for this phony last name. Would never do that!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

(会員 Mon. March 1 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump

(会員) Mon. March 1 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump 

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO) 

John Oliver
up and coming

John Oliver is an up and coming comedian and social commentator.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO)
He has been adamant about not talking about Donald Trump.

adamant = 断固とした、頑固な
vulgar = 下品
Everytime I say his name he has a shattering orgasm.
He has mostly ignored Trump.
Trump has now won 3 states and has been endorsed by Governor Christie.
to endorse = to publicly support by saying you support him
If Christie endorses Trump early he has a good chance of being chosen as Trump's Vice-President.
Christie sold out.
In America actors and singers are not allowed by society to advertise things.
You're a sell-out!
Michael Jackson owned the copyright to many Beatles songs.
Polls show that Trump is leading most SUPER TUESDAY STATES.
11 States will have elections today.
The Democratic Party and The Republican Party will hold 11 elections today.
The Presidential Candidate who wins Super Tuesday becomes their party's candidate.
He will  become his party's nominee.
Donald Trump has become America's back mole.
a metaphor =ひゆ
a mole = ホクロ

If your back mole gets to big, you might have cancer so you need to get it removed.

It might have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it has gotten frighteningly bigger it is no longer wise to ignore it.

biography = a story about someone’s life
an ancestor = your father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc.
Trump's original family name is Drumpf.
Trump is a vain man.
Make America Great Again!
It’s a play on words.
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” by Joseph de Maistre

If you do a good job, you deserve to be paid.
If you do a bad job, you do not deserve to be paid.

That killer deserves the death penalty.
DiCaprio deserves the Oscar.