Tuesday, March 1, 2016

(会員 Mon. March 1 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump

(会員) Mon. March 1 - John Oliver vs. Donald Trump 

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO) 

John Oliver
up and coming

John Oliver is an up and coming comedian and social commentator.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO)
He has been adamant about not talking about Donald Trump.

adamant = 断固とした、頑固な
vulgar = 下品
Everytime I say his name he has a shattering orgasm.
He has mostly ignored Trump.
Trump has now won 3 states and has been endorsed by Governor Christie.
to endorse = to publicly support by saying you support him
If Christie endorses Trump early he has a good chance of being chosen as Trump's Vice-President.
Christie sold out.
In America actors and singers are not allowed by society to advertise things.
You're a sell-out!
Michael Jackson owned the copyright to many Beatles songs.
Polls show that Trump is leading most SUPER TUESDAY STATES.
11 States will have elections today.
The Democratic Party and The Republican Party will hold 11 elections today.
The Presidential Candidate who wins Super Tuesday becomes their party's candidate.
He will  become his party's nominee.
Donald Trump has become America's back mole.
a metaphor =ひゆ
a mole = ホクロ

If your back mole gets to big, you might have cancer so you need to get it removed.

It might have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it has gotten frighteningly bigger it is no longer wise to ignore it.

biography = a story about someone’s life
an ancestor = your father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc.
Trump's original family name is Drumpf.
Trump is a vain man.
Make America Great Again!
It’s a play on words.
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” by Joseph de Maistre

If you do a good job, you deserve to be paid.
If you do a bad job, you do not deserve to be paid.

That killer deserves the death penalty.
DiCaprio deserves the Oscar.


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