Thursday, March 10, 2016

(会員) Thurs. March 10 - Random Useful Stuff

(会員) Thurs. March 10 - Random Useful Stuff

1. the 5 aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.

2. The fourth wall
Kevin Spacey sometimes breaks the fourth wall. 

3. Deadpool is a bad ass.
a VERY tough guy

4. Deadpool is also a smart ass. = 思い上がった野郎、生意気なやつ, cheeky

5. He has a great ass. = いいケツしている

6. I’m wearing a power tie. 
power lunch パワー・ランチ
I business lunch. 

7. a status symbol = st that people can see and it makes them think you are successful 

8. Uber - new online taxi type service

9. Cheaper taxi rates to be trialed in Tokyo, Osaka in bid to lure more elderly, tourists
to trial = to try out,
in bid to = in a an attempt

10. Honda debuts Clarity, its first mass production hydrogen car
clarity = clear, clean 
¥7.66 million
¥2 million subsidy.

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