Wednesday, March 30, 2016



Everyone says the new Superman vs Batman movie is going to be great. Do you believe the hype.

I wouldn’t believe all the hype. 

Don’t believe all the hype.

The movie was great! It lived up to the hype.

GAME OF THRONES is a hugely popular TV show.

This show has been pirated more than other show in history.

They illegally download the GOT video.

It's a dubious honor.

This show has the dubious honor of being the most pirated show in history.

Donald Trump has the dubious honor of being the favorite presidential for racists.

dubious = questionable

Indubitably. = No doubt. = Yes! = Of course. = Without a doubt.

Morgan and his wife run a travel company, and decided to take James out of school on March 3 to go on a last-minute break to Dubai.

last-minute = sudden

Some came up at the last minute.

Please text us a reply with a reason for his absence. called this a no-nonsense reply.

Attackers detonated bombs at the airport and on a metro train beneath the European Union’s capital on Tuesday.
This attack confirmed the worst fears of European officials, who proclaimed the continent at war.

The attack brought the city to a standstill.

Paris officials said they are reinforcing security at airports, train stations and metros.

We need to reinforce this wall.

A senior official of the amusement park, apologized and promised to beef up training to ensure safety.

to beef up = to make stronger (not used with things)

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