1. to cross the line
Did Trump cross the line with women?
2. a beauty pageant = a beauty contest
3. lewd
He could be lewd one moment and gentlemanly the next.
4. controversial
5. a territorial issue = 領土問題
Japan's history, as taught in schools, should reflect the government's position on history and territorial issues.
to rewrite history
whitewash a history textbook = 歴史教科書を歪曲する
7. Rodrigo Duterte, 'Trump' of Philippines, Wins Presidential Election
He has made many tactless remarks and jokes.
8. bombastic = big talk, little meaning
9. a deity = a god
They are waiting for the deity that protects the inn to return.
10. a variety
There are 300 different kinds of Kit Kats.
There are 300 different varieties of Kit Kats.
11. culinary
Kit Kat holds a special place in Japan’s culinary universe.
It's a real culinary adventure/experience.
culinary school
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