Thursday, May 5, 2016

5月5日(木曜日)23:00 Members Only 英会話ライブレッスン

5月5日(木曜日)23:00 Members Only 英会話ライブレッスン
1. Cruz dropped out of the race. = Cruz left the race.
to drop out = to give up
Steve Jobs dropped out of college.
Bill Gates is a college dropout. = He quit college.
to drop st =/= to fall
to drop st 他動詞 =/= to fall 自動詞
2. Just drop it.  = Just stop talking about it.
3. IDIOM: to drop sb like a hot potato
to cut ties with sb or break up with sb
My girlfriend dropped me like a hot potato.
4. It’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop.
    It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
5. at the drop of a hat = immediately, suddenly, no preparation, easily
6. to drop by = to come by, to visit for a short time, to swing by
7. to drop the mic = I said everything and I am confident nobody needs to talk anymore. I got the final word.
8. It’s just a drop in the bucket.  = It’s a very small amount.
9. to dump = to break up or fire sb
The 30-year-old Goromaru has struggled to click with the Reds. He had been relegated to the bench role.
My ex girlfriend was a great girl, but we just didn’t click.
to relegate sb to st = to assign sb to st

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