Monday, March 13, 2017

(会員) Monday Night - March 13, 2017 - Basic mistakes

(会員) Monday Night - March 13, 2017 - Basic mistakes 
fidgety = sb who cannot sit still,   
a handful = st that take a lot of energy or attention

He has been a big pain in the neck!

see, look, wAtch
see = s.pecial, look=l.earn, wAtch=Activity

see + anything special 

Use “look” if you have a question and you want to learn the answer. 

watch + st = but the stress is on the watching not the “st”

Watch your feet. 
Watch your head. 
Watch your mouth. 
Watch your hands. a) be careful not to hurt your hands, b) don’t touch that 

1. look:   
Look at the time.
Look at your watch.   
Look around.  
Look for st.   
Look it up in the dictionary. 
Look it up online. 

2. see + title of st
It’s nice to see you again. 

3. watch + TV,   
watch the news

I ~ the movie on TV. 
I saw the movie on TV. / I watched the movie on TV.

Answer: saw/watched

see / meet

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