Thursday, November 30, 2017

(会員)2017年11月30日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171130日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
1. sexual harassment 
He was fired because 3 women ~ him of sexual harassment. 
2. He was fired ~ sexual harassment accusations. 
3. They had a fight ~ money. 
4. He ~ sexually harassed 3 women. 
5. Is it true? I don’t know, but where there is smoke there is ~. 
6. He made ~ comments. 
7. NBC fired him, citing  "inappropriate workplace behavior.”
8. If both people want to have sex, that kind of sex is called ~. / He had many ~ relationships with women.
9. He was ~ for allegedly continuously making lewd comments verbally or over text message, and that he was "fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks." 
10. Children sometimes ~ on small things.
Answers: 1. accused, 2. over, 3. over, 4. allegedly, 5. fire, Idiom: Where there is smoke there is  fire. 火のないところに煙は立たない。, 6. lewd, 7. inappropriate, 8. consensual, 9. infamous/known, 10. fixate

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

Why do you think he retired?

1. I thought he was being responsible.
2. I thought he was doing the right thing.
3. I thought he was being noble. 

stable = 相撲べや

He resigned before he was forced to quit. 
4. He did it to save face. = He did it for his pride. = He did it to avoid embarrassment. 

5. He did to save his 退職金 retirement bonus.

6. a stable master = 親方

7. There has been a lot of media attention surrounding this story.
Harumafuji has gotten a lot of media attention.

8. speculation: guess, 臆測

9. After weeks of media attention and speculation over his future, sumo grand champion Harumafuji announced his retirement.

10. to assault sb = to attack sb
He assaulted another sumo wrestler. 

11. Harumafuji does not qualify to become a stablemaster because he is not Japanese.

12. He kept/retained his Mongolian citizenship.

13. He is a naturalized Japanese citizen. 
I am a naturalized American citizen.
I am a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

(会員)2017年11月28日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171128日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
1. I prefer to remain anonymous.
anonymous = 匿名
line idioms
2. Get in line.
3. I am in line. 
4. Are you in line? 
5. He cut in line. 
6. Could you [hold/save] my [spot/place]? 
Could you hold my place?
would you / can you / could you 
Do you mind VERBing?
Do you mind holding my spot/place?
7. Where is the back/end of the line?
Excuse me, is the end of the line?
This is the end of the line. = This is the last stop on this train/subway.
I road the train to the end of the line. 
8. This is the end of the line. = This is the end for you. You are in trouble. You are fired. / You are going to jail. 
9. You crossed the line! = You went too far! = You did too much!

RELATED: to draw a line in the sand = to state where your limit is 

10. That’s the point/result/final decision. = That’s the bottom line.
What is the final result/point/decision? = What’s the bottom line?
I would like a new car, but — bottom line — I can’t afford it. 
The bottom line is that I love you. : つまり、僕は君のことを好きなんだ。
The bottom line is this. : 結論はこうだ。
11. Please contact me in the future. = Drop me a line. / Drop me a line sometime.  
12. on the line = to be at risk = to be in danger of losing

My job is on the line.

(会員)2017年11月27日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171127日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
frequency words
1. sometimes = once in a while = on occasion = occasionally = from time to time = now and then = every so often = every once in a while = every now and then 
(formal) periodically
2.  rarely = seldom = on the odd/rare occasion = once in a blue moon 
3. start st and do it for a while and then stop for a while and repeat the circle: on and off
I played tennis on and off for a few years. 
4. never = never ever = at no time = not once 
Bitcoin is showing no signs of slowing down, blowing past $9,500.
to blow past st = to go by st very fast 
The Ferrari blew right past me. 
Eight bodies found as second suspected North Korean boat washes up in Akita Prefecture
suspected = thought to be
to wash up = to come onto the beach 
A volcano in Bali erupted. 
They evacuated everyone within 10 kilometers of the volcano. 
to erupt = 噴火する,   
 to evacuate = 避難する

Saturday, November 25, 2017

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)
1. My room is a pigsty. = very messy
2. Be my guinea pig.  / guinea pig モルモット
I’ll be your guinea pig.
3. He let the cat out of the bag. = He told a secret. 
うっかり秘密を漏らす= to accidentally reveal a secret
4. the man of steel = superman’s nickname 
He has nerves of steel. 
5. trashed = very drunk
He was trashed/smashed.
Throw it in the trash.
Throw it away.
I got trashed last night.  
Let’s get trashed. 
I got smashed last night. 
Let’s get smashed. 
6. 二日酔い I have a hangover.  
I am hungover.

7. 時差ボケ I have jet lag. / I am jetlagged. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

Nico - Nov. 20, 2017
(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

1. 上手に
She can dance.
She can sing.
She dances (very) well.
She is a good dancer.  
She is good at dancing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice.
He is a good baseball player. = He has a great arm. / He has a great swing.

He has a Hell of an/a ~.
He has a Hell of an arm.
He has a Hell of an swing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice. = She has a Hell of a voice.
Hell of a = great = Helluva
He is very skilled ~.
Modern slang: He has skills.
That boy has got some skills.
He is very skilled. He is a very skilled (PERSON).
He is a very skilled ~.
He is skilled.  He is a skilled chef.
He is an expert ~.
He is an expert. / He is an expert with children. / He is an expert of karate. / He is an expert with a knife. / He is an expert translator.
He is an expert on modern art.
He is a pro. / He is a professional. / He is pro figure skater. / She is pro basketball player.

2. He is bad at baseball.
He is bad at English. / He doesn’t really speak English much.
His English is bad/pretty good.
His English stinks. colloquial English: My Japanese is crap.
colloquial English: My Japanese is shit.
I don’t know shit. = I don’t know anything.
I know my shit. = I know a lot (about something.)

When it comes to history, I know my shit.

3. 忙しい、用事がある
I’m busy.  
I have plans.  
I have something to do. 

急用ができた=Something came up.

先約 = a previous engagement
Conversational: I'm sorry. I have plans.
Formal: I'm sorry. I have a previous engagement.

He gave her an engagement ring.
engagement ring エンゲージリング、婚約指輪

4. ~してもらう form
SB had/got ST 完了形
Ex: I had my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.
I got a haircut.
I had/got my cellphone fixed/repaired.
I had my uniform dry-cleaned.
He had his wife killed.

4. to improve = 上達する
Do you think my English is improving? 
Do you think I’m making progress?
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm making progress.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not making any progress.

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Sunday 11月19日 10pm

Nico - Sunday, Nov. 19, 2017

1. I am good at tennis/dancing/the guitar.

2. I am bad at singing/school/soccer.

3. I can sing. <—> I can’t sing.

4. X I have a plan.
O I have plans. 
O I’m busy.
O I am planning to meet some friends after work tomorrow.

A: Want to go out for a drink?  
B: I’m sorry. I can’t.
B1:  I’m sorry. I can’t. I have something to do.  
B2:  I’m sorry. I can’t.  I have things to do.  
B3: I’m sorry.  I can’t. I have to do something. 
B4: I’m sorry.  I can’t. I have to take care of something.  

I would love to, but I can’t.

先約 = a previous engagement

I would love to, but I can’t. I have a previous engagement.

5. 上達する  to improve

Victor, do you think my English is improving?
B1: Yes, you’re improving.
B2: No, you’re not really improving.
B3: Yes, I’ve seen some improvement.
B4: No, I haven’t seen any improvement.
B5: Well, I’ve seen a little improvement.

(会員 Mixed / News - English Lesson - Saturday. 11月18日 11pm

Nov. 18, 2017

Harumafuji assaulted another sumo wrestler.

a sumo bout/match 
X a sumo fight

a sumo tournament

to drop out = to quit

Tottori police question Harumafuji in Tokyo over alleged assault
to allege (verb) = to accuse (not proven yet)   
an allegation (noun) = an unproven accusation
alleged (adjective) = said, accused
allegedly (adverb) = used with verb, Ex: He allegedly stole the money.
Tottori police question Harumafuji in Tokyo over alleged assault
Police questioned sumo grand champion Harumafuji on a voluntary basis Friday over allegations that he assaulted a lower-ranked wrestler in October, investigative sources said.
The 33-year-old Mongolian returned to Tokyo late Thursday from the city of Fukuoka, where the 15-day Kyushu grand sumo tournament is underway, apparently to meet with investigators from the Tottori Prefectural Police.
Ex: The tournament is underway.
Harumafuji assaulted/attacked Takanoiwa over(because of) his attitude.
They were drinking with other Mongolian wrestlers at a restaurant in the city of Tottori during the night of Oct. 25 when the alleged incident took place.
The alleged incident took place in Tottori at a restaurant, on Oct. 25th while drinking with other wrestlers.
It has been alleged that Harumafuji angrily assaulted Takanoiwa.
Takanoiwa was hospitalized.
a stable = a sumo group/team
a stable master = boss of the stable, 親方
He was diagnosed with a skull base fracture...
fracture = 骨折

on his behalf = for him (= somebody did it for him)
Her husband accepted the award on her behalf.

供述書     affidavit;  deposition;  testimony
宣誓証言 = spoken evidence, testimony
He testified in court.
The police have already questioned Takanoiwa about the incident, after accepting a victim report on his behalf. They have started questioning the Tottori restaurant staff.
The police will also seek testimony from wrestlers who were at the restaurant, including Hakuho, another grand champion, sources said.
Hakuho has denied reports that Harumafuji used a beer bottle to assault Takanoiwa.
“Harumafuji didn’t use a beer bottle or get on top of (Takanoiwa)” to beat him, Hakuho told reporters Thursday, while confirming that Harumafuji struck Takanoiwa with his bare hand.
Takanoiwa missed the Kyushu tournament from the opening day. Harumafuji dropped out Tuesday, the third day of the competition.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Thursday. 11月16日 11pm

Nico - Nov. 16, 2017
(会員)初級 English Lesson - Thursday. 11月16日 11pm

1. 上手に

She can dance.

She can sing.

She dances (very) well.

She is a good dancer.  

She is good at dancing.

He is very skilled ~.

He is very skilled. He is a very skilled (PERSON).

He is a very skilled ~.

He is skilled.  He is a skilled chef.

He is an expert ~.

He is an expert. / He is an expert with children. / He is an expert of karate. / He is an expert with a
knife. / He is an expert translator.

He is a pro. / He is a professional. / He is pro figure skater. / She is pro basketball player.