Thursday, November 30, 2017

(会員)2017年11月30日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171130日(火曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
1. sexual harassment 
He was fired because 3 women ~ him of sexual harassment. 
2. He was fired ~ sexual harassment accusations. 
3. They had a fight ~ money. 
4. He ~ sexually harassed 3 women. 
5. Is it true? I don’t know, but where there is smoke there is ~. 
6. He made ~ comments. 
7. NBC fired him, citing  "inappropriate workplace behavior.”
8. If both people want to have sex, that kind of sex is called ~. / He had many ~ relationships with women.
9. He was ~ for allegedly continuously making lewd comments verbally or over text message, and that he was "fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks." 
10. Children sometimes ~ on small things.
Answers: 1. accused, 2. over, 3. over, 4. allegedly, 5. fire, Idiom: Where there is smoke there is  fire. 火のないところに煙は立たない。, 6. lewd, 7. inappropriate, 8. consensual, 9. infamous/known, 10. fixate

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