Tuesday, November 28, 2017

(会員)2017年11月27日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)20171127日(月曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン
frequency words
1. sometimes = once in a while = on occasion = occasionally = from time to time = now and then = every so often = every once in a while = every now and then 
(formal) periodically
2.  rarely = seldom = on the odd/rare occasion = once in a blue moon 
3. start st and do it for a while and then stop for a while and repeat the circle: on and off
I played tennis on and off for a few years. 
4. never = never ever = at no time = not once 
Bitcoin is showing no signs of slowing down, blowing past $9,500.
to blow past st = to go by st very fast 
The Ferrari blew right past me. 
Eight bodies found as second suspected North Korean boat washes up in Akita Prefecture
suspected = thought to be
to wash up = to come onto the beach 
A volcano in Bali erupted. 
They evacuated everyone within 10 kilometers of the volcano. 
to erupt = 噴火する,   
 to evacuate = 避難する

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