Wednesday, November 29, 2017

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

(会員)2017年11月29日(水曜日)22:00 英語ライブレッスン

Why do you think he retired?

1. I thought he was being responsible.
2. I thought he was doing the right thing.
3. I thought he was being noble. 

stable = 相撲べや

He resigned before he was forced to quit. 
4. He did it to save face. = He did it for his pride. = He did it to avoid embarrassment. 

5. He did to save his 退職金 retirement bonus.

6. a stable master = 親方

7. There has been a lot of media attention surrounding this story.
Harumafuji has gotten a lot of media attention.

8. speculation: guess, 臆測

9. After weeks of media attention and speculation over his future, sumo grand champion Harumafuji announced his retirement.

10. to assault sb = to attack sb
He assaulted another sumo wrestler. 

11. Harumafuji does not qualify to become a stablemaster because he is not Japanese.

12. He kept/retained his Mongolian citizenship.

13. He is a naturalized Japanese citizen. 
I am a naturalized American citizen.
I am a naturalized U.S. citizen.

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