Saturday, November 25, 2017

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)

(公開)11月25日(土)22:00 英語レッスン生放送 (15分)
1. My room is a pigsty. = very messy
2. Be my guinea pig.  / guinea pig モルモット
I’ll be your guinea pig.
3. He let the cat out of the bag. = He told a secret. 
うっかり秘密を漏らす= to accidentally reveal a secret
4. the man of steel = superman’s nickname 
He has nerves of steel. 
5. trashed = very drunk
He was trashed/smashed.
Throw it in the trash.
Throw it away.
I got trashed last night.  
Let’s get trashed. 
I got smashed last night. 
Let’s get smashed. 
6. 二日酔い I have a hangover.  
I am hungover.

7. 時差ボケ I have jet lag. / I am jetlagged. 

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