Monday, November 20, 2017

(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

Nico - Nov. 20, 2017
(会員)初級 English Lesson - Monday 11月20日 10pm

1. 上手に
She can dance.
She can sing.
She dances (very) well.
She is a good dancer.  
She is good at dancing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice.
He is a good baseball player. = He has a great arm. / He has a great swing.

He has a Hell of an/a ~.
He has a Hell of an arm.
He has a Hell of an swing.
She is a good singer. = She has a beautiful voice. = She has a Hell of a voice.
Hell of a = great = Helluva
He is very skilled ~.
Modern slang: He has skills.
That boy has got some skills.
He is very skilled. He is a very skilled (PERSON).
He is a very skilled ~.
He is skilled.  He is a skilled chef.
He is an expert ~.
He is an expert. / He is an expert with children. / He is an expert of karate. / He is an expert with a knife. / He is an expert translator.
He is an expert on modern art.
He is a pro. / He is a professional. / He is pro figure skater. / She is pro basketball player.

2. He is bad at baseball.
He is bad at English. / He doesn’t really speak English much.
His English is bad/pretty good.
His English stinks. colloquial English: My Japanese is crap.
colloquial English: My Japanese is shit.
I don’t know shit. = I don’t know anything.
I know my shit. = I know a lot (about something.)

When it comes to history, I know my shit.

3. 忙しい、用事がある
I’m busy.  
I have plans.  
I have something to do. 

急用ができた=Something came up.

先約 = a previous engagement
Conversational: I'm sorry. I have plans.
Formal: I'm sorry. I have a previous engagement.

He gave her an engagement ring.
engagement ring エンゲージリング、婚約指輪

4. ~してもらう form
SB had/got ST 完了形
Ex: I had my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.
I got a haircut.
I had/got my cellphone fixed/repaired.
I had my uniform dry-cleaned.
He had his wife killed.

4. to improve = 上達する
Do you think my English is improving? 
Do you think I’m making progress?
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm making progress.
Sometimes I feel like I'm not making any progress.

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