Sleeping Expressions:
1. 眠い。
I'm sleepy.,
I'm drowsy.
2. まだ眠いよ〜。
I'm still sleepy.
3. 寝過ごしちゃった。
I overslept.
4. 眠たい。
I want to sleep.
5. 起きたくないな。
I don't want to get up.
6. もう寝るよ。
I'm going to bed/sleep.
7. 昼寝する。
to nap
8. 短い昼寝=
a catnap,
40 winks
A: 寝たの?
B: ほんの少しだけね。
A: Did you sleep?
B: I got 40 winks.
9. よく寝たの?
Did you sleep well?
10. あと5分寝かせて
Let me sleep 5 more minutes.
11. もう起きる時間だよ!
It's time to get up.
12. Idioms:
a) to hit the sack=to go to sleep
It's time to hit the sack.:
b) to sleep like a log=to sleep very well & deeply
A: How did you sleep last night?
B: Like a log.
Also: like a baby
c) to toss and turn=to not sleep well
I was so worried about the test that I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night.
13. 寝癖=bed hair,bedhead
I have bedhair.
14. 朝の口臭=morning breath
I have morning breath!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ニコニコ動画 Intermediate Lesson, May 28, 2009
Let Idioms by request from Kitty!
let alone: used to connect 2 things
The first is a statement. The second thing can be assumed because of the first statement. For example, if you know I cannot read hiragana, then it is only natural that I cannot read kanji , right?
I can't read hiragana, let alone kanji.
Let's try some exercises.
Turn the following sentences into "let alone" sentences:
Example: He cannot read or write.
He can't read, let alone write.
1. He can't afford a bicycle or a car.
2. He has never been out of the city or the country.
3. I would never tell my best friend or you.
4. I've never had a girlfriend or been engaged.
Here are some very common
"LET" idioms & expressions:
1. to let sb do st=
to give sb permission to do st
My parents let me
drive when I was 16.
2. to let sb have st=
a) to allow sb to keep st
I don't want it.
You can have it.
b) to give sb st
The boss let her
have the day off.
c) to attack sb
The boss let me have
it for being late again!
3. to let sb by=
to allow sb to pass
Excuse me, do you
mind letting me by?
4. Let's let bygones be bygones.=
To forget about unpleasant things
that have happened in the past.
I'm tired of fighting. Let's just
let bygones be bygones.
5. to let sb down=
to disappoint sb
I'm sorry I let you down. I felt
a little let down by the movie.
6. to let go=to release, 離す
Let go of me!
I can't seem to let go of the past.
7. to let your guard down=
to stop being so defensive or
careful about getting attacked
Don't let your guard down
around him! He's completely untrustworthy.
8. to let one's hair down=
to relax, have fun
You need to let your hair down
once in a while and go a bit wild.
9. to let your heart rule your head=
to follow your emotion, not your logic
If you lend him money I
am sure you'll never see
it again. Don't let your
heart rule your head.
10. Let her rip! =
Let's start!
OK, boys, let her rip!
Answers to PART A!
1. He can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.
2. He's never been out of the city, let alone the country.
3. I would never tell my best friend, let alone you.
4. I've never had a girlfriend, let alone been engaged.
let alone: used to connect 2 things
The first is a statement. The second thing can be assumed because of the first statement. For example, if you know I cannot read hiragana, then it is only natural that I cannot read kanji , right?
I can't read hiragana, let alone kanji.
Let's try some exercises.
Turn the following sentences into "let alone" sentences:
Example: He cannot read or write.
He can't read, let alone write.
1. He can't afford a bicycle or a car.
2. He has never been out of the city or the country.
3. I would never tell my best friend or you.
4. I've never had a girlfriend or been engaged.
Here are some very common
"LET" idioms & expressions:
1. to let sb do st=
to give sb permission to do st
My parents let me
drive when I was 16.
2. to let sb have st=
a) to allow sb to keep st
I don't want it.
You can have it.
b) to give sb st
The boss let her
have the day off.
c) to attack sb
The boss let me have
it for being late again!
3. to let sb by=
to allow sb to pass
Excuse me, do you
mind letting me by?
4. Let's let bygones be bygones.=
To forget about unpleasant things
that have happened in the past.
I'm tired of fighting. Let's just
let bygones be bygones.
5. to let sb down=
to disappoint sb
I'm sorry I let you down. I felt
a little let down by the movie.
6. to let go=to release, 離す
Let go of me!
I can't seem to let go of the past.
7. to let your guard down=
to stop being so defensive or
careful about getting attacked
Don't let your guard down
around him! He's completely untrustworthy.
8. to let one's hair down=
to relax, have fun
You need to let your hair down
once in a while and go a bit wild.
9. to let your heart rule your head=
to follow your emotion, not your logic
If you lend him money I
am sure you'll never see
it again. Don't let your
heart rule your head.
10. Let her rip! =
Let's start!
OK, boys, let her rip!
Answers to PART A!
1. He can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.
2. He's never been out of the city, let alone the country.
3. I would never tell my best friend, let alone you.
4. I've never had a girlfriend, let alone been engaged.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
ニコニコ動画 Beginner Lesson, May 27, 2009
Let's talk about pronunciation:
Good night./ Good evening.
夜中=in the middle of the night
O --> Good night.
X --> Goo night.
O --> G'night.
もっと大人になりなさい!= Grow up!
Whose fault is it?
Who is to blame?
Who is responsible?
It's not my fault.
I am not to blame.
I am not responsible.
Casual: Don't look at me.
I am scared of ~.
I am afraid of ~.
I'm frightened of ~.
I am terrified of ~.
I am terribly hungry.
I am terribly sorry.
Howdo you say the following in English?
あいにく ~.
残念ながら ~.
申し訳なく ~.
すみませんが ~.
悪いけど ~.
All of the above can be translated into:
"I'm afraid ~ "
Example sentences:
悪いけどもう行かなければ。= I'm afraid I have to get going., I'm afraid I have to be going.
ごめんなさい、意味が分かりません。= I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
すみませんが時間がないのです。= I'm afraid I don't have time.
I'm afraid of you.=あなたが怖い!
I'm afraid for you.=あなたのこと心配している。
a fraidy-cat=scaredy-cat=slang for "scared person/chicken"
万引きする=to shoplift
to steal + something = He stole her money.
to rob + someone / place = He robbed the bank., She was robbed.
Someone who steals = a thief
Someone who robs = a robber
Someone who shoplifts = a shoplifter
Good night./ Good evening.
夜中=in the middle of the night
O --> Good night.
X --> Goo night.
O --> G'night.
もっと大人になりなさい!= Grow up!
Whose fault is it?
Who is to blame?
Who is responsible?
It's not my fault.
I am not to blame.
I am not responsible.
Casual: Don't look at me.
I am scared of ~.
I am afraid of ~.
I'm frightened of ~.
I am terrified of ~.
I am terribly hungry.
I am terribly sorry.
Howdo you say the following in English?
あいにく ~.
残念ながら ~.
申し訳なく ~.
すみませんが ~.
悪いけど ~.
All of the above can be translated into:
"I'm afraid ~ "
Example sentences:
悪いけどもう行かなければ。= I'm afraid I have to get going., I'm afraid I have to be going.
ごめんなさい、意味が分かりません。= I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
すみませんが時間がないのです。= I'm afraid I don't have time.
I'm afraid of you.=あなたが怖い!
I'm afraid for you.=あなたのこと心配している。
a fraidy-cat=scaredy-cat=slang for "scared person/chicken"
万引きする=to shoplift
to steal + something = He stole her money.
to rob + someone / place = He robbed the bank., She was robbed.
Someone who steals = a thief
Someone who robs = a robber
Someone who shoplifts = a shoplifter
Saturday, May 23, 2009
COOOOL Website!
I made a video about this today. It is sooooo cooool!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
responsible (形容詞/adjective)
He is a responsible person.
irresponsible (形容詞/adjective)
She is a very irresponsible student.
Basic Idioms:
to be responsible for st: 《be ~》~に対して責任がある、~担当です, ~のせいです。
You are responsible for doing your own homework.
I am responsible for this class.
Who's responsible for breaking this?
What are you responsible for at work?
I am responsible for ~.
Good set phrases:
Please drink responsibly.
We assume no responsibility for ~.
Cheap construction material was responsible for the building's collapse.
collapse= 倒壊
Who was responsible?
Who fault was it?
Idiom: to take responsibility
Who will take responsibility for this accident?
He is a responsible person.
irresponsible (形容詞/adjective)
She is a very irresponsible student.
Basic Idioms:
to be responsible for st: 《be ~》~に対して責任がある、~担当です, ~のせいです。
You are responsible for doing your own homework.
I am responsible for this class.
Who's responsible for breaking this?
What are you responsible for at work?
I am responsible for ~.
Good set phrases:
Please drink responsibly.
We assume no responsibility for ~.
Cheap construction material was responsible for the building's collapse.
collapse= 倒壊
Who was responsible?
Who fault was it?
Idiom: to take responsibility
Who will take responsibility for this accident?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
ニコニコ動画Intermediate Lesson, May 20, 2009
The following is a list of the expressions that came up during the lesson.
You look like a ~.
You look ~.
a nerd/a geek=ださいな人間
1. Howya doin'?
How are you doing?
2. Wassup?
What's up?
3. How's't going?
How is it going?
4. Ever beenna Hokkaido?
Have you ever been to Hokkaido?
5. Wudja think a the movie?
What did you think of the movie?
6. Cuja gimmea a hanhere?
Could you give me a hand here?
Word focus: recommend
1. Can you recommend a good ~ restaurant?
I wouldn't recommend that restaurant.
I wouldn't recommend but you can do whatever you like?
Can you recommend a good doctor?
Can you recommend a good lawyer?
Can you recommend a good insurance company?
Can you recommend a good teacher?
2. Do you know a good ~?
3. You should ~.
4. バイキング, buffet
Do you know where
I can find a good buffet?
5. この町で最高のレストランはどれですか?
What's the best ~ in town?
They make the best tebasaki in town/in the city.
6. この町で最高の医者は誰ですか?
Who's the best doctor in town?
7. この町で最高の~は誰ですか?
Who's the best ~ in town?
8. 何時に閉店しますか?
What time do you close?
How late are you open?
Are you still serving?
9. この近くに〜はありますか?
Is there a 〜 nearby?
Is there a 〜 nearby/close by/ around her/ near here?
10. 何名様ですか?
How many in your party?
11. 席を変わってもいいでか?
Do you mind if we change tables?
12. あちらの席に変わってもいいですか?
Can I move there?
Do you mind if I change seats.
Could you change seats with me?
Can I change seats with you?
Do you mind if we change/switch tables?
How long is the wait?
You look like a ~.
You look ~.
a nerd/a geek=ださいな人間
1. Howya doin'?
How are you doing?
2. Wassup?
What's up?
3. How's't going?
How is it going?
4. Ever beenna Hokkaido?
Have you ever been to Hokkaido?
5. Wudja think a the movie?
What did you think of the movie?
6. Cuja gimmea a hanhere?
Could you give me a hand here?
Word focus: recommend
1. Can you recommend a good ~ restaurant?
I wouldn't recommend that restaurant.
I wouldn't recommend but you can do whatever you like?
Can you recommend a good doctor?
Can you recommend a good lawyer?
Can you recommend a good insurance company?
Can you recommend a good teacher?
2. Do you know a good ~?
3. You should ~.
4. バイキング, buffet
Do you know where
I can find a good buffet?
5. この町で最高のレストランはどれですか?
What's the best ~ in town?
They make the best tebasaki in town/in the city.
6. この町で最高の医者は誰ですか?
Who's the best doctor in town?
7. この町で最高の~は誰ですか?
Who's the best ~ in town?
8. 何時に閉店しますか?
What time do you close?
How late are you open?
Are you still serving?
9. この近くに〜はありますか?
Is there a 〜 nearby?
Is there a 〜 nearby/close by/ around her/ near here?
10. 何名様ですか?
How many in your party?
11. 席を変わってもいいでか?
Do you mind if we change tables?
12. あちらの席に変わってもいいですか?
Can I move there?
Do you mind if I change seats.
Could you change seats with me?
Can I change seats with you?
Do you mind if we change/switch tables?
How long is the wait?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
ニコニコ動画, May 13-14, 2009

How do you say 「痛そう。」in English?
1) That looks painful.
2) That must have hurt.
3) That's gotta hurt!
4) Ouch!
Crack Expressions:
I cracked my cheek bone on the table.
A bird flew into the glass and cracked the window.
When I come home I like to relax by cracking open a bottle of beer and watching TV.
Let's crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.
Mari didn't crack a book all semester.
He cracked a joke about my mother.
He made a crack about my mother.
She got up at the crack of dawn to make lunch for her kids.
I get up at the break of dawn everyday and jog for 30 minutes.
During class someone asked how to say 「騙す」in English? For example in the case of a taxi driver.
That taxi driver liked ripping foreigners off.
Taxi English!
How do you say the following in English?
1. タクシー乗り場はどこにありますか?
2. 〜に行きたいのですが。
3. 料金はいくらくらいかかりますか?
4. どのくらい時間がかかりますか?
5. ここからだと歩いていけますか?
6. ここでおろしてください。
7. おつりはいりません。
1. Where is the taxi stand?
Where is the nearest taxi stand?
2. I need to get to 〜.
I want to go to 〜.
3. How much will that be?
4. How long will it take?
How long will it take to get there?
How long is the ride?
How long was your flight?
5. Am I close enough to walk?
Can I walk from here?
6. Let me out here.
Here please.
Please drop me here.
This is fine.
7. Keep the change.
Train Station
1. 駅へはどう行きますか?
2. 駅までお願いします。
3. 〜まではどのくらいかかりますか?
4. 次の電車はいつ来ますか?
5. 時刻表はありますか?
6. 電車を乗り換える必要がありますか?
7. 片道切符お願いします。
8. 往復切符お願いします。
9. この席は空いていますか?
1. How do I get to the train station?
How can I get to the train station?
2. Please take me to the train station.
Can you take me to the train station?
Will you take me to the train station?
Could you take me to the train station?
3. How long is the trip to 〜?
How long will it take to get to 〜?
How long does it take to get to 〜?
4. When is the next train?
5. Do you have a train schedule?
6. Do I have to change trains?
7. Could I have a one-way ticket (to 〜)please?
One one-way ticket to 〜, please.
8. Could I have a round-trip ticket please?
One round-trip ticket to 〜, please.
9. Is this seat taken?
Can I sit here?
Do you mind if I sit here?
Friday, May 8, 2009
ニコニコ動画, March 8, 2009
Today we're going to learn adjectives. How do we say the following in English?
8。 優柔不断な(人)
9。 決断力のある(人)
During the lesson the students brought
up words that I will explain here.
1. chubby=ぽっちゃり, just a little fat, this word is insulting but a little cute.
b) husky: a bit fat, but solid and strong
c) healthy: Of course healthy means 健康的 but it is also an indirect or more polite way to say someone is fat. If someone asks you if your sister is fat, and you don't want to admit she's fat, then you can say, "She's healthy."
2. obese: This is the medical word for very fat, but these days we just use it for "super fat." It is very conversational.
3. slim: This is the nicest way to say someone is 痩せている。
thin: This is also a nice way to say the same thing.
skinny: This word also means 痩せている but it also means ガリガリ. Most people would be happy to be called "skinny" but some people might think you mean they are TOO "thin."
bony: This means your bones are showing or your bones look big. This word is also used to describe fish that has lots of bones.
lean: This word is used to describe someone who has a body like Brad Pitt. Thin, not too big, but no fat on the body. This word is a compliment. It is also used to describe a piece of meat (chicken, beef or pork) that has no fat.
svelte: This word describes an elegant thinness. Someone that has a body like Audrey Hepburn. I think this is the nicest way to describe that someone is thin. A woman would be happiest to be called "svelt".
scrawny: This word is used to describe someone thin and weak.
gaunt: This word is used to describe someone who is super skinny and who's bones are showing. It does not mean they are necessarily weak.
During the class someone brought up the word: グラマー
"グラマーな" is Japanese English.
voluptuous: This is real English for "グラマーな".
curvy: This is another good word to describe a "グラマーな" person.
4. listless: This describes someone having no energy or desire to do anything.
5. stubborn / obstinate: The first word, "stubborn" is standard. The second is higher English.
6. average height and weight/medium build: We often see these words when we talk about someone the police is talking about.
7. easy to get along with: The word "素直な" is not often used in English. But you could say, "He is easy to get along with."
Dictionary: obedient: This is the dictionary word for "素直な"and not really used for people. You can use it for dogs, but even for dogs, I would rather use, "well trained".
amiable: This word could be used for "素直な" but it also means friendly.
agreeable: During class this word came to me. (I thought of this word during class.) It think it's the best way to describe, "素直な"
8. indecisive (person): This is used to describe someone who cannot make a decision quickly.
9. decisive (person): This is used to describe someone who is good at making decisions.
10. He sees everything in black and white. The expression " 彼は何事も白黒はっきりつけたがるんだ。" is useful in English, but the word,
"白黒はっきり" would be translated as "black and white" but the best use it the set phrase "to see thing in black and white".
11.malicious: We don't really say "悪意な" in English but we do use it in English.
12. genuine/sincere: "genuine" means someone is sincere, but it also means that something is "real" and not "fake". So you can see that the word "genuine" also means someone is "real".
8。 優柔不断な(人)
9。 決断力のある(人)
During the lesson the students brought
up words that I will explain here.
1. chubby=ぽっちゃり, just a little fat, this word is insulting but a little cute.
b) husky: a bit fat, but solid and strong
c) healthy: Of course healthy means 健康的 but it is also an indirect or more polite way to say someone is fat. If someone asks you if your sister is fat, and you don't want to admit she's fat, then you can say, "She's healthy."
2. obese: This is the medical word for very fat, but these days we just use it for "super fat." It is very conversational.
3. slim: This is the nicest way to say someone is 痩せている。
thin: This is also a nice way to say the same thing.
skinny: This word also means 痩せている but it also means ガリガリ. Most people would be happy to be called "skinny" but some people might think you mean they are TOO "thin."
bony: This means your bones are showing or your bones look big. This word is also used to describe fish that has lots of bones.
lean: This word is used to describe someone who has a body like Brad Pitt. Thin, not too big, but no fat on the body. This word is a compliment. It is also used to describe a piece of meat (chicken, beef or pork) that has no fat.
svelte: This word describes an elegant thinness. Someone that has a body like Audrey Hepburn. I think this is the nicest way to describe that someone is thin. A woman would be happiest to be called "svelt".
scrawny: This word is used to describe someone thin and weak.
gaunt: This word is used to describe someone who is super skinny and who's bones are showing. It does not mean they are necessarily weak.
During the class someone brought up the word: グラマー
"グラマーな" is Japanese English.
voluptuous: This is real English for "グラマーな".
curvy: This is another good word to describe a "グラマーな" person.
4. listless: This describes someone having no energy or desire to do anything.
5. stubborn / obstinate: The first word, "stubborn" is standard. The second is higher English.
6. average height and weight/medium build: We often see these words when we talk about someone the police is talking about.
7. easy to get along with: The word "素直な" is not often used in English. But you could say, "He is easy to get along with."
Dictionary: obedient: This is the dictionary word for "素直な"and not really used for people. You can use it for dogs, but even for dogs, I would rather use, "well trained".
amiable: This word could be used for "素直な" but it also means friendly.
agreeable: During class this word came to me. (I thought of this word during class.) It think it's the best way to describe, "素直な"
8. indecisive (person): This is used to describe someone who cannot make a decision quickly.
9. decisive (person): This is used to describe someone who is good at making decisions.
10. He sees everything in black and white. The expression " 彼は何事も白黒はっきりつけたがるんだ。" is useful in English, but the word,
"白黒はっきり" would be translated as "black and white" but the best use it the set phrase "to see thing in black and white".
11.malicious: We don't really say "悪意な" in English but we do use it in English.
12. genuine/sincere: "genuine" means someone is sincere, but it also means that something is "real" and not "fake". So you can see that the word "genuine" also means someone is "real".
ニコニコ動画, March 7, 2009
How do you say the following in English?
1. この薬を処方してください。
2. 〜にきく薬はありますか?
3. 眠れるようになるものが欲しいのですが。
4. 気を静められるものが欲しいのですが。
5. 医者に診ていただきたいのですが。
6. お医者さんに診てもらった方がいい。
7. 薬がなくなってしまったので薬をいただきたいのですが。
Answers to above:
1. Please fill this prescription.
2. I need something for a cold/fever/cough.
3. I need something to help me get to sleep.
4. I need something to help me relax.
5. I need to see a doctor.
6. You should have a doctor look at that.
7. My prescription has run out, and I need a refill.
How about the following?
1. うおのめ
2. 充血
3. いぼ
4. 便秘=
5. 下痢
6. 消化不良
7. 吐き気
8. 吐く
9. 乗り物酔い
10. 船酔い
11. ニキビ
12. 症状
13. 親知らず
14. 歯医者
15. 歯をぬく
17. カイロプラクター
Answers to above.
1. うおのめ=corns
Example: I have corns.
2. 充血=blood shot eyes/congestion
Example: Your eyes are blood shot.
3. いぼ=warts
Example: I need some cream for these warts.
4. 便秘=constipation
Example: I have constipation.
Interesting use! --> He has emotional constipation.
(=He does not like talking about his feelings.)
5. 下痢=diarrhea
Example: I have diarrhea.
Interesting use! --> He has diarrhea of the mouth.
(=He talks a lot.)
6. 消化不良=indigestion
Example: I have indigestion.
7. 吐き気=nausea
Example: I feel nausea.
8. 吐く=to vomit, to throw up, to puke, to barf
9. 乗り物酔い=motion sickness
10. 船酔い=seasickness
Example: I feel seasick.
11. a pimple (countable, standard), a zit (countabl, slang)
acne (uncountable)
Example: I have a big pimple on my nose. / That's a big zit. / He has acne.
12. 症状=symptoms
Example: Do you have any symptoms.
13. 親知らず=wisdom teeth
Example: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled.
14. 歯医者=dentist
Example: When is the last time you saw a dentist?
15. 歯をぬく=to pull a tooth
Example: I had a tooth pulled./I need to get a tooth pulled.
16. 婦人科=obgyn, obstetrician + gynecologist
Example: Can you recommend a good obgyn to me.
17. カイロプラクター = a chiropractor
Example: I need a chiropractor.
1. この薬を処方してください。
2. 〜にきく薬はありますか?
3. 眠れるようになるものが欲しいのですが。
4. 気を静められるものが欲しいのですが。
5. 医者に診ていただきたいのですが。
6. お医者さんに診てもらった方がいい。
7. 薬がなくなってしまったので薬をいただきたいのですが。
Answers to above:
1. Please fill this prescription.
2. I need something for a cold/fever/cough.
3. I need something to help me get to sleep.
4. I need something to help me relax.
5. I need to see a doctor.
6. You should have a doctor look at that.
7. My prescription has run out, and I need a refill.
How about the following?
1. うおのめ
2. 充血
3. いぼ
4. 便秘=
5. 下痢
6. 消化不良
7. 吐き気
8. 吐く
9. 乗り物酔い
10. 船酔い
11. ニキビ
12. 症状
13. 親知らず
14. 歯医者
15. 歯をぬく
17. カイロプラクター
Answers to above.
1. うおのめ=corns
Example: I have corns.
2. 充血=blood shot eyes/congestion
Example: Your eyes are blood shot.
3. いぼ=warts
Example: I need some cream for these warts.
4. 便秘=constipation
Example: I have constipation.
Interesting use! --> He has emotional constipation.
(=He does not like talking about his feelings.)
5. 下痢=diarrhea
Example: I have diarrhea.
Interesting use! --> He has diarrhea of the mouth.
(=He talks a lot.)
6. 消化不良=indigestion
Example: I have indigestion.
7. 吐き気=nausea
Example: I feel nausea.
8. 吐く=to vomit, to throw up, to puke, to barf
9. 乗り物酔い=motion sickness
10. 船酔い=seasickness
Example: I feel seasick.
11. a pimple (countable, standard), a zit (countabl, slang)
acne (uncountable)
Example: I have a big pimple on my nose. / That's a big zit. / He has acne.
12. 症状=symptoms
Example: Do you have any symptoms.
13. 親知らず=wisdom teeth
Example: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled.
14. 歯医者=dentist
Example: When is the last time you saw a dentist?
15. 歯をぬく=to pull a tooth
Example: I had a tooth pulled./I need to get a tooth pulled.
16. 婦人科=obgyn, obstetrician + gynecologist
Example: Can you recommend a good obgyn to me.
17. カイロプラクター = a chiropractor
Example: I need a chiropractor.
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