Friday, May 8, 2009

ニコニコ動画, March 8, 2009

Today we're going to learn adjectives. How do we say the following in English?







8。 優柔不断な(人)

9。 決断力のある(人)


During the lesson the students brought
up words that I will explain here.
1. chubby=ぽっちゃり, just a little fat, this word is insulting but a little cute.
b) husky: a bit fat, but solid and strong
c) healthy: Of course healthy means 健康的 but it is also an indirect or more polite way to say someone is fat. If someone asks you if your sister is fat, and you don't want to admit she's fat, then you can say, "She's healthy."

2. obese: This is the medical word for very fat, but these days we just use it for "super fat." It is very conversational.

3. slim: This is the nicest way to say someone is 痩せている。
thin: This is also a nice way to say the same thing.
skinny: This word also means 痩せている but it also means ガリガリ. Most people would be happy to be called "skinny" but some people might think you mean they are TOO "thin."
bony: This means your bones are showing or your bones look big. This word is also used to describe fish that has lots of bones.
lean: This word is used to describe someone who has a body like Brad Pitt. Thin, not too big, but no fat on the body. This word is a compliment. It is also used to describe a piece of meat (chicken, beef or pork) that has no fat.
svelte: This word describes an elegant thinness. Someone that has a body like Audrey Hepburn. I think this is the nicest way to describe that someone is thin. A woman would be happiest to be called "svelt".
scrawny: This word is used to describe someone thin and weak.
gaunt: This word is used to describe someone who is super skinny and who's bones are showing. It does not mean they are necessarily weak.
During the class someone brought up the word: グラマー
"グラマーな" is Japanese English.
voluptuous: This is real English for "グラマーな".
curvy: This is another good word to describe a "グラマーな" person.

4. listless: This describes someone having no energy or desire to do anything.

5. stubborn / obstinate: The first word, "stubborn" is standard. The second is higher English.

6. average height and weight/medium build: We often see these words when we talk about someone the police is talking about.

7. easy to get along with: The word "素直な" is not often used in English. But you could say, "He is easy to get along with."
Dictionary: obedient: This is the dictionary word for "素直な"and not really used for people. You can use it for dogs, but even for dogs, I would rather use, "well trained".
amiable: This word could be used for "素直な" but it also means friendly.
agreeable: During class this word came to me. (I thought of this word during class.) It think it's the best way to describe, "素直な"

8. indecisive (person): This is used to describe someone who cannot make a decision quickly.

9. decisive (person): This is used to describe someone who is good at making decisions.

10. He sees everything in black and white. The expression " 彼は何事も白黒はっきりつけたがるんだ。" is useful in English, but the word,
"白黒はっきり" would be translated as "black and white" but the best use it the set phrase "to see thing in black and white".

11.malicious: We don't really say "悪意な" in English but we do use it in English.

12. genuine/sincere: "genuine" means someone is sincere, but it also means that something is "real" and not "fake". So you can see that the word "genuine" also means someone is "real".

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