Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Beginner Lesson, May 27, 2009

Let's talk about pronunciation:
Good night./ Good evening.
夜中=in the middle of the night

O --> Good night.
X --> Goo night.
O --> G'night.

もっと大人になりなさい!= Grow up!

Whose fault is it?
Who is to blame?
Who is responsible?
It's not my fault.
I am not to blame.
I am not responsible.
Casual: Don't look at me.
I am scared of ~.
I am afraid of ~.
I'm frightened of ~.
I am terrified of ~.
I am terribly hungry.
I am terribly sorry.
Howdo you say the following in English?
あいにく ~.
残念ながら ~.
申し訳なく ~.
すみませんが ~.
悪いけど ~.
All of the above can be translated into:
"I'm afraid ~ "
Example sentences:
悪いけどもう行かなければ。= I'm afraid I have to get going., I'm afraid I have to be going.
ごめんなさい、意味が分かりません。= I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
すみませんが時間がないのです。= I'm afraid I don't have time.
I'm afraid of you.=あなたが怖い!
I'm afraid for you.=あなたのこと心配している。
a fraidy-cat=scaredy-cat=slang for "scared person/chicken"

万引きする=to shoplift

to steal + something = He stole her money.

to rob + someone / place = He robbed the bank., She was robbed.

Someone who steals = a thief
Someone who robs = a robber
Someone who shoplifts = a shoplifter

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