Thursday, May 28, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Intermediate Lesson, May 28, 2009

Let Idioms by request from Kitty!
let alone: used to connect 2 things
The first is a statement. The second thing can be assumed because of the first statement. For example, if you know I cannot read hiragana, then it is only natural that I cannot read kanji , right?
I can't read hiragana, let alone kanji.
Let's try some exercises.

Turn the following sentences into "let alone" sentences:

Example: He cannot read or write.

He can't read, let alone write.


1. He can't afford a bicycle or a car.

2. He has never been out of the city or the country.

3. I would never tell my best friend or you.

4. I've never had a girlfriend or been engaged.

Here are some very common
"LET" idioms & expressions:
1. to let sb do st=
to give sb permission to do st

My parents let me
drive when I was 16.

2. to let sb have st=
a) to allow sb to keep st

I don't want it.
You can have it.

b) to give sb st
The boss let her
have the day off.

c) to attack sb

The boss let me have
it for being late again!

3. to let sb by=
to allow sb to pass

Excuse me, do you
mind letting me by?

4. Let's let bygones be bygones.=
To forget about unpleasant things
that have happened in the past.
I'm tired of fighting. Let's just
let bygones be bygones.

5. to let sb down=
to disappoint sb
I'm sorry I let you down. I felt
a little let down by the movie.

6. to let go=to release, 離す

Let go of me!
I can't seem to let go of the past.

7. to let your guard down=
to stop being so defensive or
careful about getting attacked

Don't let your guard down
around him! He's completely untrustworthy.

8. to let one's hair down=
to relax, have fun

You need to let your hair down
once in a while and go a bit wild.

9. to let your heart rule your head=
to follow your emotion, not your logic

If you lend him money I
am sure you'll never see
it again. Don't let your
heart rule your head.

10. Let her rip! =
Let's start!

OK, boys, let her rip!

Answers to PART A!
1. He can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.

2. He's never been out of the city, let alone the country.

3. I would never tell my best friend, let alone you.

4. I've never had a girlfriend, let alone been engaged.

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