Sunday, May 31, 2009

ニコニコ動画 Mixed Lesson, May 31, 2009

Sleeping Expressions:
1. 眠い。
I'm sleepy.,
I'm drowsy.

2. まだ眠いよ〜。
I'm still sleepy.

3. 寝過ごしちゃった。
I overslept.

4. 眠たい。
I want to sleep.

5. 起きたくないな。
I don't want to get up.

6. もう寝るよ。
I'm going to bed/sleep.

7. 昼寝する。
to nap

8. 短い昼寝=
a catnap,
40 winks

A: 寝たの?
B: ほんの少しだけね。
A: Did you sleep?
B: I got 40 winks.

9. よく寝たの?
Did you sleep well?

10. あと5分寝かせて
Let me sleep 5 more minutes.

11. もう起きる時間だよ!
It's time to get up.

12. Idioms:
a) to hit the sack=to go to sleep
It's time to hit the sack.:

b) to sleep like a log=to sleep very well & deeply
A: How did you sleep last night?
B: Like a log.

Also: like a baby

c) to toss and turn=to not sleep well
I was so worried about the test that I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night.

13. 寝癖=bed hair,bedhead
I have bedhair.

14. 朝の口臭=morning breath
I have morning breath!

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