How do you say the following in English?
1. この薬を処方してください。
2. 〜にきく薬はありますか?
3. 眠れるようになるものが欲しいのですが。
4. 気を静められるものが欲しいのですが。
5. 医者に診ていただきたいのですが。
6. お医者さんに診てもらった方がいい。
7. 薬がなくなってしまったので薬をいただきたいのですが。
Answers to above:
1. Please fill this prescription.
2. I need something for a cold/fever/cough.
3. I need something to help me get to sleep.
4. I need something to help me relax.
5. I need to see a doctor.
6. You should have a doctor look at that.
7. My prescription has run out, and I need a refill.
How about the following?
1. うおのめ
2. 充血
3. いぼ
4. 便秘=
5. 下痢
6. 消化不良
7. 吐き気
8. 吐く
9. 乗り物酔い
10. 船酔い
11. ニキビ
12. 症状
13. 親知らず
14. 歯医者
15. 歯をぬく
17. カイロプラクター
Answers to above.
1. うおのめ=corns
Example: I have corns.
2. 充血=blood shot eyes/congestion
Example: Your eyes are blood shot.
3. いぼ=warts
Example: I need some cream for these warts.
4. 便秘=constipation
Example: I have constipation.
Interesting use! --> He has emotional constipation.
(=He does not like talking about his feelings.)
5. 下痢=diarrhea
Example: I have diarrhea.
Interesting use! --> He has diarrhea of the mouth.
(=He talks a lot.)
6. 消化不良=indigestion
Example: I have indigestion.
7. 吐き気=nausea
Example: I feel nausea.
8. 吐く=to vomit, to throw up, to puke, to barf
9. 乗り物酔い=motion sickness
10. 船酔い=seasickness
Example: I feel seasick.
11. a pimple (countable, standard), a zit (countabl, slang)
acne (uncountable)
Example: I have a big pimple on my nose. / That's a big zit. / He has acne.
12. 症状=symptoms
Example: Do you have any symptoms.
13. 親知らず=wisdom teeth
Example: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled.
14. 歯医者=dentist
Example: When is the last time you saw a dentist?
15. 歯をぬく=to pull a tooth
Example: I had a tooth pulled./I need to get a tooth pulled.
16. 婦人科=obgyn, obstetrician + gynecologist
Example: Can you recommend a good obgyn to me.
17. カイロプラクター = a chiropractor
Example: I need a chiropractor.
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