Friday, May 8, 2009

ニコニコ動画, March 7, 2009

How do you say the following in English?
1. この薬を処方してください。
2. 〜にきく薬はありますか?
3. 眠れるようになるものが欲しいのですが。
4. 気を静められるものが欲しいのですが。
5. 医者に診ていただきたいのですが。
6. お医者さんに診てもらった方がいい。
7. 薬がなくなってしまったので薬をいただきたいのですが。
Answers to above:
1. Please fill this prescription.
2. I need something for a cold/fever/cough.
3. I need something to help me get to sleep.
4. I need something to help me relax.
5. I need to see a doctor.
6. You should have a doctor look at that.
7. My prescription has run out, and I need a refill.
How about the following?
1. うおのめ
2. 充血
3. いぼ
4. 便秘=
5. 下痢
6. 消化不良
7. 吐き気
8. 吐く
9. 乗り物酔い
10. 船酔い
11. ニキビ
12. 症状
13. 親知らず
14. 歯医者
15. 歯をぬく
17. カイロプラクター
Answers to above.
1. うおのめ=corns
Example: I have corns.
2. 充血=blood shot eyes/congestion
Example: Your eyes are blood shot.
3. いぼ=warts
Example: I need some cream for these warts.
4. 便秘=constipation
Example: I have constipation.
Interesting use! --> He has emotional constipation.
(=He does not like talking about his feelings.)
5. 下痢=diarrhea
Example: I have diarrhea.
Interesting use! --> He has diarrhea of the mouth.
(=He talks a lot.)
6. 消化不良=indigestion
Example: I have indigestion.
7. 吐き気=nausea
Example: I feel nausea.
8. 吐く=to vomit, to throw up, to puke, to barf
9. 乗り物酔い=motion sickness
10. 船酔い=seasickness
Example: I feel seasick.
11. a pimple (countable, standard), a zit (countabl, slang)
acne (uncountable)
Example: I have a big pimple on my nose. / That's a big zit. / He has acne.
12. 症状=symptoms
Example: Do you have any symptoms.
13. 親知らず=wisdom teeth
Example: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled.
14. 歯医者=dentist
Example: When is the last time you saw a dentist?
15. 歯をぬく=to pull a tooth
Example: I had a tooth pulled./I need to get a tooth pulled.
16. 婦人科=obgyn, obstetrician + gynecologist
Example: Can you recommend a good obgyn to me.
17. カイロプラクター = a chiropractor
Example: I need a chiropractor.

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