Sunday, May 10, 2009

ニコニコ動画, May 13-14, 2009

How do you say 「痛そう。」in English?
1) That looks painful.

2) That must have hurt.

3) That's gotta hurt!

4) Ouch!
Crack Expressions:
I cracked my cheek bone on the table.
A bird flew into the glass and cracked the window.

When I come home I like to relax by cracking open a bottle of beer and watching TV.
Let's crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.

Mari didn't crack a book all semester.

He cracked a joke about my mother.
He made a crack about my mother.

She got up at the crack of dawn to make lunch for her kids.
I get up at the break of dawn everyday and jog for 30 minutes.
During class someone asked how to say 「騙す」in English? For example in the case of a taxi driver.

That taxi driver liked ripping foreigners off.
Taxi English!
How do you say the following in English?
1. タクシー乗り場はどこにありますか?

2. 〜に行きたいのですが。

3. 料金はいくらくらいかかりますか?

4. どのくらい時間がかかりますか?

5. ここからだと歩いていけますか?

6. ここでおろしてください。

7. おつりはいりません。
1. Where is the taxi stand?
Where is the nearest taxi stand?

2. I need to get to 〜.
I want to go to 〜.

3. How much will that be?

4. How long will it take?
How long will it take to get there?
How long is the ride?
How long was your flight?
5. Am I close enough to walk?
Can I walk from here?

6. Let me out here.
Here please.
Please drop me here.
This is fine.

7. Keep the change.
Train Station
1. 駅へはどう行きますか?

2. 駅までお願いします。

3. 〜まではどのくらいかかりますか?

4. 次の電車はいつ来ますか?

5. 時刻表はありますか?

6. 電車を乗り換える必要がありますか?

7. 片道切符お願いします。

8. 往復切符お願いします。

9. この席は空いていますか?

1. How do I get to the train station?
How can I get to the train station?

2. Please take me to the train station.
Can you take me to the train station?
Will you take me to the train station?
Could you take me to the train station?
3. How long is the trip to 〜?
How long will it take to get to 〜?
How long does it take to get to 〜?

4. When is the next train?

5. Do you have a train schedule?

6. Do I have to change trains?

7. Could I have a one-way ticket (to 〜)please?
One one-way ticket to 〜, please.

8. Could I have a round-trip ticket please?
One round-trip ticket to 〜, please.

9. Is this seat taken?
Can I sit here?
Do you mind if I sit here?

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