Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have a runny nose.

My nose is runny.

I have a stuffy nose.

My nose is stuffed up.


1) I'll handle it.

2) I'll deal with it.

3) I'll take care of it.

All 3 expressions here

basically mean the same


BUT "deal with st" is

used to deal with

conditions and situations.

For example:

He is dealing with his disease.

a disease=病気

You can only "deal with st"

that cannot be improved or


You can only "take care of"

something that you can

help or improve or protect.

You can't protect a disease.

Lastly, which one of

these 3 expressions

can be used to say:

"I'll treat you."

"It's on me."


X I backed to home.

I went home. / I went back home.

Today let's talk

about the word

VERB + "back"

to be back

What time will you be back tomorrow?

What time will you get back tomorrow?

Remember that

"back" is not

usually a verb.

"back" is usually

the second word

in a phrasal

verb. A phrasal

verb is a 2 or 3

word verb.

So what "back"

verbs do you know?

to back sb=

to support sb

Edward Kennedy backed Obama during the campaign.

Back off! = Get back!

Step back.=Take a step back.

to send something back

to give something back

to talk back to someone

to look back at someone

to think back

(to my teenage years)

to write back

I wrote her, but she never wrote back.

She got marrried TO another guy.

She marrried another guy.

X She got married with another man.

Call me back later.

I'll call you back.

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