Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nico Nico, Douga - Aug. 30, 2009

I was pissed off.= I was really angry. (casual/slang)
I was irate.=I was really angry. (formal)

I was irritated.= I was annoyed.
Today we are going to practice using plural 複数形.
I like dog.=I like dog meat.
I like dogs.=I like the pet animals called dogs.

I like chicken.=I like chicken meat.
I like chickens.=I like chicken animals.

1. イルカは小さなクジラです。

Dolphins are small whales.

2. 私は韓国映画が好きです。

I like Korean films/movies.

3. 女性のほうが男性より料理が上手です。

Women are better than men at cooking.
Women are better cooks than men are.
You are good at cooking.
You are a good cook.

You are good at teaching.
You are a good teacher.

We will do this again on Sunday night.

4. このビデオを見て、人間は算残酷だと思いました。

When I saw the video, I thought humans are cruel.

After seeing the video, I thought humans were cruel.

5. ベジタリアンは肉や魚を食べない人のことです。

Vegetarians are people who do not eat meat or fish.

6. 車は地球温暖化の重要な原因の一つです。
Cars are one of the main causes of global warming.

Cow farts are one of the main causes of global warming.

おなら=He broke wind. / He cut the cheese. / He farted.

7. 高知の人はとても友好的です。

People in Kochi are very friendly.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.=

We extended the class and learned NEW words for
(Watch the video to understand!)
We did NOT do the following...

Almost = not

I am almost finished. = I am not finished.


Almost all Japanese have black hair.


Almost all of my friends are Japanese.

My friends are almost all Japanese.

My friends are almost Japanese.

Almost all = 90% or more

Most = the biggest percentage
“most” could be 51% or if there are 3 parts, it could be 34% (if 2 other parts are 33% each)

Or it could even be a small number, like 9% if the size or percentage of the other parts are smaller.

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