Friday, August 21, 2009

Nico Nico Douga, Mixed Class Aug. 21, 2009

Mixed Class:
Nico Nico Douga Aug. 21, 2009
OFF idioms:
1) I feel a little off today.=Something is not 100% right today. I feel a little strange.

My tennis was off last Sunday.

My game was a little off.

My serve was a little off.

2) to turn st on/off

Turn off the TV.

3) He went off! =He went crazy mad! (yelling, etc.) =to lose your temper

My boss went off when

I showed up late again.

4) Knock it off!=Stop it!=Cut it out!

Stop it. Cut it out. Knock it off.

5) to see sb off=見送る 

Let me see you off.

Thanks for seeing me off.

6) to cool off=to calm down

Why don’t you go outside and cool off.

to cool off=to chill out=頭を冷やす

7) to polish off=to completely eat or drink st

Daichen can polish off a pizza in 5 minutes.

He polished off the whole pizza by himself.

I can't believe we polished off 3 bottles of wine last night!

8) Piss off! = Go to Hell!

9) Back off!=Get away from me!

10) to blow sb off= to not meet sb
but give them a bad excuse

Some asked me how to say DOTAKYAN in English. The answer is...
She blew me off at the last minute. She cancelled on me at the last minute.

11) to [walk/jog/run/bike/swim/dash/sprint/drive/speed ] off

12) to get off=to excite you (little dangerous)

Whatever gets you off man.

Whatever turns you on. = Whatever gets you off.

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