Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nico Nico Douga Aug 16, 2009 Intermediate to Advanced.

A connnection lessons. Let's see how many connections we can make!?

Stop monkeying around.=Stop horsing around.=Get serious.=Stop playing around.

Language is not logical.

I have a monkey on my back.=I have a burden.

What do monkeys remind you of?

He's more fun than a barrel of monkeys.=He’s a lot of fun.

犬猿= to fight like cats and dogs

It's raining cats and dogs.

= どしゃぶり=It's really coming down.=It's pouring.

Can I pour you a glass of tea?

What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?

=What does that have to do with

the price of tea in China?=Say this when someone says something completely unconnected with the previous sentence.

a non sequitur

意味不明の意見 =cryptic comment

He's like a bull in a China shop.=violent / rough / clumsy

He is clumsy. 不器用=He is all thumbs.=He is clumsy.

He has a green thumb.= He is good at gardening.=He is good with plants.

Don't thumb your nose at me!=バカにするな


Yesterday was the anniversary of the end of WWII.

WWII=World War 2

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko offer silent prayers before an altar during a memorial service for those who died in the war, during a ceremony marking the 64th anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II, at Budokan Hall in Tokyo on Saturday.

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