Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ニコニコ動画Aug. 4, 2009

Why is everyone so quiet?
Cat got your tongue!?

could be /
should be/
would beの使い方

If I had not come
to Japan, I would be
in a different country now.

I would be careful
if I were you.


1. You look tired. You should ~ some sleep.

Related: I didn't get any sleep last night.

Did you get any sleep last night?
Could you get any sleep last night?

2. I'm tired. I better ~ the sack.
Related: Time to hit the sack!=Time to go to sleep.
3. I was watching TV and
started to ~ off so I went to bed.
4. Sometimes I just can't sleep. I suffer from ~.

Related: an insomniac

5. I like to sleep ~ on
Sundays and public holidays.
6. Oh, my God! I ~! I'm going to be late for work!
7. MAFIA LINGO: That guy is sleeping with the ~ now.
8. He fell asleep at the ~.
In other words, he's dead.
1. get.
2. hit
3. doze/drift
4. insomnia
5. in
6. overslept
7. fishes
8. wheel
He turned 26.
How old are you?
None of your business.
What's it to you?
I'll leave it up to your imagination.
I'll turn (age) this (month).
I'll be turning (age) this (month).
I just turned 26.

Florida --> Floridian

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