Tuesday, April 13, 2010

初級 Airport English

初級 Airport English

plane / airplane / aircraft





luggage, bags,
suitcase, baggage
Divorced men have a lot of luggage.
Divorced men come with a lot of baggage.

carry-on bag(s)
carry-on luggage
a carry-on


customs declaration form

Airport English?
1. 飛行機は何時に出発しますか?
What time does your flight leave?
What time does your plane leave?
What time is your flight?
What is your departure time?
What time do you take off?
What time does your plane take off?

2. 何番ゲートから出発しますか?
What gate do you leave from?
What's your gate?

3. どちらの航空会社をご利用しますか?
What airline are you flying on?
What airline are you using?

4. スーツケースは何個まで預けられますか?
How many pieces of luggage can I check?

5. 手荷物は何個まで機内に持ち込めますか?
How many carry-on bags can I take on the plane?
How many carry-on bags are allowed?

6. お金を払えば、余分にスーツケーツを預けられますか?
If I pay, can I check another piece of luggage?
If I pay, can I check in another bag?
How much does it cost
to check in more luggage?

7. 税関申告書を書かないといけませんか?
Do I have to fill out a customs declaration form?

Sample CUSTOMS conversation
A: Welcome to the U.S.. May I see your passport please?

B: Here you go.
Here you are.
Here it is.

A: Where are you flying from?
Where are you coming from?

B: I'm coming from Tokyo, Japan.

A: What is the purpose of your visit?
B: I'm here on vacation
I'm here on business.
I'm here for a wedding.
I'm here to go to school.

A: How long are you staying?
A: How long are you planning to stay?
B: (I'll be staying for) 1 week.

A: Where will you be staying?
B: I'll be staying at a Hilton.
I'll be staying with friends.
I'll be staying with family.

A: Is this your first visit to the U.S.?
A: Have you ever been to U.S. before?
B: No, this is my first time.

A: Do you have anything to declare?
B: No, (nothing).

A: Enjoy your visit.
Enjoy your stay.
B: Thank you.

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