Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fun Idioms 2-Intermediate

Intermediate Fun English!

1. That guy is nuts. He is ~.
a) blinkers
b) boinkers
c) bonkers

2. He is always flattering the teacher. What a/an ~.
a) brownnoser
b) asskisser
c) applepolisher

3. I wanted to leave, but she kept ~ on and on about her boyfriend. BORING!
a) babbling
b) bubbling
c) boobling

4. If you are having a party you really shouldn’t invite him. He’s the definition of a party ~.
a) crapper
b) pooper
c) wallflower

5. How do you say OTAKU in English
a) nerd
b) dork
c) geek

6. He is so sexy. I really want to jump his ~.
a) bones
b) butt
c) ribs

A: Where did you top and your wife meet?
B: Oh, we ~ up in college.
a) fished
b) hit
c) hooked

8. I got so drunk last night. I got ~.
a) screwed
b) hammered
c) sawed

9. That’s money down the ~.
a) tube
b) pipe
c) drain

10. You can’t count
on him. He’s such a ~
a) flakist
b) flaker
c) flake

1. c
2. all
3. a (note: to babble-negative/to chat-positive/to chatter-negative)
4. b
5. all
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. c

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