Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8, 2010 Funny English Idioms

Funny Idioms:

First, a test!

What do the following expressions mean?

1. That cost an arm and a leg!
=That was expensive!

2. She's the cat's pajamas!
=She is very cool/special!

3. He's a bad egg!
=He's a bad guy.

4. That guy is a quack!
=He's a bad doctor.

5. What crawled up
his butt and died?
What’s eating him.=
=Why is he in such a bad mood!

6. There's a frog in my throat.
=I have a hoarse voice.

7. Stop horsing around!
=Stop playing around
irresponsibly! Get serious!

8. He stuck/put his foot
in his mouth.
=He accidentally said
something that made
him look bad.

9. I'm in a bit of a pickle.
=I have a problem.

10. That's a no-brainer.
=That's an easy decision.

11. She's as dumb
as a box of rocks.
=She's stupid.

12. I got to go see
a man about horse.
=I have to go to the toilet.

13. Busier than a
one-legged cowboy in
an ass-kicking contest.
=He is busy!

14. Hold your horses!

15. Keep your shirt on!

16. Don't get your
panties in knot/wad.
=Calm down.=Relax.

17. That's how the cookie crumbles.

18. That's how the ball bounces.

19. He kicked the bucket.

20. He bit the dust.

21. He's pushing up daisies.

22. Hope in one hand and
shit in the other and see
which one fills up first.
=Hope is a waste of time.

23. Shit or get off the pot.=
Don’t waste time without action!

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