Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nico Nico Aug. 5th Mixed Lesson!

Before the quiz we talked about these things:
I look like I'm balding. = to be in the process of becoming bald
It’s you! = It looks good on you.
It's definitely you!


1. What are you thinking ~?

1b. Penny for your ~?

2. I’ve been thinking ~ of buying a new (car).

2b. I’ve been mulling it ~.

3. I can’t think ~ any questions right now.

3b. Nothing comes to ~.

4. Let me sleep ~ it. =

Let me think ~ it.

5. Do you think ~ you can help me?

5b. Lend me a ~?

6. Fix the mistake!
A: That was a great movie!
B: I think so!

7. What are you worried ~?

7b. What are you sweating ~?

8. Don’t worry ~ it.

8b. Don’t ~ it.

9. I’m afraid you might get hurt. = I’m afraid ~ you.

10. Sharks scare me.=I’m afraid ~ sharks.

11. I’ve been studying ~ 2 hours.

12. I haven’t spoken English ~ a week.

13. I’ll see you ~ a week.

14. Your pain will disappear ~ time.

15. He is the best ~ all time.

16. I need to kill ~ time.

17. I’m living in a hotel ~ now.

18. I’ll be back on my feet ~ no time!

1. of/and
1b. thoughts

2. of
2b. over

3. of
3b. mind

4. on
4b. about / on (over)

5b. hand

6. I think so too.

7. about
7b. NOTHING/over

8. about
8b. sweat

9. for

10. of

11. for

12. in

13. in

14. in

15. of

16. the / some / nothing

17. for

18. in

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