Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nico Nico TOEIC Lesson: Aug. 29, 2010

a suspect

a motive

TOEIC - Aug. 29, 2010
motivation (noun)
form plural: motivations
incentive; drive; inspiration; state of being stirred to action
motive (adjective)
of reason or cause;
inspiring to action
motive (noun)
form plural: motives
something that causes a person to act; cause; incentive; purpose; intention
1. The police do not have a ~ for the murder.
2. The employees need more ~ to work.

appointment (noun)

form plural: appointments

official date; meeting;
interview; nomination

Choose from the following:
date, meeting, appointment,

1. I have a doctor's ~ tomorrow.
2. I have a job ~.
3. The American people did
not like the President's ~.
4. What time is your lunch ~.
5. He can't come to the phone
right now. He's in a ~.
6. He can't come to the phone
right now. He's giving an ~.
7. The President gave CNN
an exclusive ~.
8. I have an ~ with destiny.

gather (noun) form plural:

drawing together; fold; pucker
gather (verb)
 forms: gathered; gathered;
 to assemble; to collect; to accumulate; to conclude; to deduce
1. From what I ~ he has
decided to quit his job.
2. People started ~
in front of the
dead man's house.

We came across a dead cat.
I gather it had been hit by a car.

image (noun)
form plural: images
figure; form; reflection; picture; likeness; embodiment
image (verb)
forms: imaged; imaged; imaging
to draw a likeness; to describe; to reflect; to picture in the mind imaginary (adjective)
not real; fanciful
imagination (noun)
form plural: imaginations
ability of the mind to create mental pictures which do not exist in reality
imagine (verb)
forms: imagined; imagined; imagining
to envision; to fantasize; to visualize; to think; to assume
imaging (noun)
form: no plural
forming of mental pictures to control bodily processes
imagining (noun)
form plural: imaginings
fantasizing; visualizing
Choose from:
image, imagine, imagination
1. He has a great ~.
2. It's raining so I ~
he'll be a little late.
3. My ~ of him is that
of a kind of mean boss.
enlarge (verb)
 forms: enlarged; enlarged; enlarging
to become bigger; to expand
Choose from: enlarge, expand
1. Can you ~ the photograph?
2. We'd like to ~ our business.


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