Thursday, December 2, 2010


Please read along AS you watch the video!

Hello, Nico Nico Douga!
Let’s start with an easy word.
to find=?
to find=見つける
to look for=?
to look for=
to search for=
to seek=探す
I lost my keys.
I’m left for my keys somewhere.
or I forgot my keys somewhere.
or I lost my keys somewhere.
I left for school/Tokyo.
I left my dog.
I left for Tokyo.
今はI’m ~ing for my keys.
Oh, here they are! I ~ them!
to found =
Akio Morita founded Sony.
Bill Gates founded Microsoft.

Do you know who Julian
Assange is?
Who is Julian Assange?
He founded Wikileaks.

Mr. Assange is
big news now.
He told secrets.
He revealed secrets.
He leaked secrets.
*Excuse me I have
to take a leak.

Are you good at
~ing secrets?

Interpol is now
~ing for Mr. Assange.

They want to ~
him for rape.
Do you think
Mr. Assange is guilty?
or “not guilty”
I think the police
でっち上げた him.

The information that he
leaked is 恥ずかしい.

That's embarrassing.
I am embarrassed.

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