Tuesday, February 19, 2013

(会員) 2月19日 (火曜日) 10:00pm - Mixed Levels - Mixed Topics!

My throat is a little scratchy.

Today we're going to talk about all the way s to say, 分かる in English.

to understand
I don't understand.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

I don't understand what he said.

I don't understand why she married him.

I understand why you feel that way.

BAD NEWS. + Please understand. / I hop you understand.
I'm sorry, but I have to fire you. I hope you understand.

(This is not the same as, "I know how you feel.")
I can't see what she sees in him. 

I get it. / I don't get it. 
I don't get what she sees in him. 
I don't understand what she.
I don't get it. What's so funny? sees in him. 

to see
I see. 
I see what you mean. = I get what you mean. = I understand what you mean. 
See! = ほらね!
to see sb = to date sb 
Are you seeing anyone?

to tell = 見てわかる
I can't tell her age. 
I can tell he is angry. 
I can tell he is lying. 

He inferred he was tired. = He indirectly said he was tired.
You're starting to catch on. 

I'm starting to catch on. = ちょっと分かるようになった。

Snowboarding started to catch on about 20 years ago.

He doesn't know squat. = 何も知らない。

He doesn't have a clue. (about something)

He doesn't know anything / jack / squat / shit .  = 何も知らない。
I don't know diddly-squat about it.
I don't know diddly about it.

I can't make out what this paper says.

I can't make out what he is singing.

I can't figure out why he did it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

(会員) 2月17日 (日曜日) 11pm - This week in the news (中級-上級)

(会員) 2月17日 (日曜日) 11pm - This week in the news (中級-上級)
Nico News - Feb. 17, 2013
Who is Chad Ryan De Soto?
He is the psycho who killed all those Japanese tourists in Guam.
a psycho = a crazy person
Chad hit 4 people ~ his car.
I opened the door by breaking the lock.
I opened the door with a hammer.
I opened the door by breaking the lock with a hammer.
Chad stabbed many people.
Chad went on a stabbing spree.
to go on a killing spree = 殺しまくる
to go on a shooting spree = 発砲騒ぎを起こす
to go on a crime spree = 短時間のうちに次々と犯罪を重ねる
to go on a shopping spree = 派手に買い物をしに出掛ける

to go on a binge = 羽を伸ばす、酒を浴びるように飲む、どんちゃん騒ぎをする
to go on a drinking binge = 酒を浴びるように飲む
to go on a shopping binge =衝動買いする

Chad went on a rampage.
to go on a rampage = 暴れだす、荒れ狂う、たけり狂う、

Chad's family expressed remorse.
to express remorse = 深い反省を示す
What was Chad's motive?
The police have no motive.
a motive = 動機
Last I heard = 最後に聞いたところでは、この前聞いたところでは
Last I heard, everything was set. 最新の情報では、準備万端です。
Atsuko Maeda lands first TV drama role since leaving AKB48
to land a role = to get a role
to land a job = to get a job
to land a husband/wife = to get married
to land a fish = to catch a fish

Beyonce had a miscarriage.
a miscarriage = 流産
to have a miscarriage = 流産する
to miscarry = to lose a baby     流産する
a miscarriage = 流産
It's a miscarriage of justice. = 誤審
a meteor = 隕石,
a meteorite = 隕石
Bangladesh bans manga cartoon Doraemon

 禁止 = to prohibit, to ban
Kids are hooked on the Hindi dubbed version.
dubbed = 吹き替え
hooked on = addicted = 中毒
The government doesn’t want children’s educational atmosphere to be hampered by Doraemon.
to hamper = ~を妨げる、妨害する
Doraemon should only be allowed if it is dubbed in Bengali.
territorial dispute 縄張り争い、領土争い

Saturday, February 16, 2013

(会員) 2月15日 (金曜日) 11pm - Mixed Topics - Mixed levels

(会員) 2月15日 (金曜日) 11pm - Mixed Topics - Mixed levels

Feb. 15, 2013

Nico Mixed Topics - Mixed Levels
まつげ eyelashes
to lash out at someone
lash out かみつく、悪口を吐く、激しく非難する、酷評する、食ってかかる、つっかかる、暴言を吐く

まぶた eyelids

double eyelid 二重まぶたの手術

BASIC: eye doctor

optometrist 検眼医

ophthalmologist 眼科医
"something" idioms
You are something! = すごい
You are really something! = すごい
You are something else! = すごい
You are really something else! = すごい

I think you're on to something. = I think you've got a good idea.

something or other = 〔分からないもの・えたいの知れないものを指して〕何とかかんとか
Mr. John something or other called. 
Why don't you come over and hang out. We can about something or other.
Grammar Pattern: 
I am so ADJECTIVE形容詞 that I can/can't VERB.
I am so tired that I can hardly stand.
She is so hungry that she can hardly stand.
The food was so bad that I could hardly eat it.
The food was so bad that I couldn't eat a bite.
The food was so bad that I couldn't stay out of the toilet.

I was so scared that I thought I was going to die. 
I was so scared that I thought I couldn't stop shaking.
I was so scared that I thought I couldn't open my eyes.

My boss was so angry that I thought he was going to fire me. 
My boss was so angry that I thought I was going to get fired.

My boss was so angry that I couldn't talk to him.

I was in so much pain that I thought I was going to die. 
I was in so much pain that I almost lost consciousness.

I threw out my back. = 背中を痛めた。/背中の筋を違えました。
to procrastinate = やるべきことを〕遅らせる、ぐずぐずと先延ばしにする

Stop procrastinating and do it. 

(会員) 2月10日 (日曜日) 11pm - Talking about LOVE!

(会員) 210 (日曜日) 11pm - Talking about LOVE!
1. 恋に落ちる 
to fall in love
I fell in love with her.

2. 幼い恋 
= puppy love
It's not serious. It's just puppy love. 

3. 片思い
= unrequited love
There is nothing worse than unrequited love.
= 片思いほどつらいものはない。

4. 非嫡出子
a love child

a bastard (insult) 
an illegitimate child (standard/formal)
a love child (nice word for the same thing)

I want to have his love child.

5. 恋は盲目。
Love is blind.

Love conquers all. 

Both of these are proverbs.

6. 生涯の恋人
the love of one's life.
He's the love of my life.

7. (人)にのぼせ上がる
to fall head over heels in love with sb
He fell head over heels in love with her.

8. 一目ぼれ
love at first sight
Do you believe in love at first sight?
It was love at first sight. 

9. 愛のむちの 
= tough-love
The punishment is a form of tough-love.

むち a whip
むち打ち whiplash
= I got whiplash.

10. 互いに何の愛情もない
=no love lost between them

There is no love lost between them. 

11. 腹部のぜい肉
=love handles
I am trying to get rid of my love handles. 

12. 恋愛と戦争は手段を選ばない。
 All's fair in love and war. (proverb/ことわざ)

13. 失恋した
= broken hearted

He was broken hearted.

Friday, February 8, 2013

(会員) 2月8 (金曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm - News English!

(会員) 2月8 (金曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm - News English!

China, Japan trade barbs over radar-lock near disputed isles

to trade barbs over = ~に関する[ついての]言葉の応酬

disputed isles = the islands that people are fighting over

Okinawan gov't complains after PET water bottle falls from Osprey

gov't = government  = 政府

to complain = 文句を言う

Ex-yakuza arrested for defrauding construction company

ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend

arrested = 逮捕された = nabbed

to defraud = 詐欺行為をする、だまし取る

a construction company = 建設[建築]会社 

to scam sb= to con sb = to bilk sb = to fool sb

詐欺を働く = to scam

to con sb = ~を信用させてだます、だまして(金を)巻き上げる、言いくるめる

to bilk sb = (人)をだます

Russian fighter planes breach Japanese airspace

a fighter plane = 戦闘機


airspace = 領空


an observation station

大気汚染 = air pollution

PM = particulate matter

PM can have adverse effects on human health.

They can adversely affect human health.

And they also have impacts on climate and precipitation.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

(公開) 2月7日 (木曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm Interesting slang to EASY English!

(公開) 2月7日 (木曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm Interesting slang to EASY English!

1. a bath:
a) He took a bath.
b) I took a bath on the stock. = I lost a lot of money on the stock.

2. toast
a) bread

b) in big trouble/dead
When the boss finds out what he did, he is toast!

3. agree
a) 賛成する
b) bad for one's stomach
Something I ate didn't agree with me.
Oily food doesn't agree with me.

4. promise
a) 約束する
b) to have a high possibility of success
He has a lot of promise.
He's only been playing piano for a year, but I can see that he has a lot of promise.
He is a promising young doctor.

5. trick
a) 技
b) こつ
There's a trick to opening the door.

6. a closet
a) 押し入れ
b) secret
He's a closet takarazuka fan.
He's a closet homosexual.
He came out of the closet.

7. fishy
a) to smell like fish
b) to be suspicious
Something about his story is fishy.

8. chemistry
a) 化学
b) 気が合う
I had a date last night. She was beautiful, but we didn't have chemistry.
We have good chemistry.

9. ever
This was my best day ever!
This was the best pizza ever!
That was the best ramen ever!

10. friendly
a) nice to people, He is a friendly man.
b) ユーザーフレンドリーな、使い方の分かりやすい
The iphone is really user friendly.
That program is not user friendly.

11. issue
a) a magazine issue
b) a problem, an important topic
Money is not an issue.
That's a very big issue.

12. shake
a) mixed cold milk drink
b) to get rid of st, to lose
I can't shake this cold.
I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

(会員)2月5日 (火曜日) 10:30pm - 11:15pm「make」 idioms! & TOEIC!

(会員)2月5日 (火曜日) 10:30pm - 11:15pm「make」 idioms! & TOEIC!

Tues. Feb. 5, 2013

I am under the weather.
I think I'm coming down with something. 

A baker's dozen of "make の熟語"
"make" idioms!

1. to make it = to arrive, to go/come
Can you make it? I can make it!

2. to make ~ up
He made it all up. = It was all a lie. 
He made up the whole story.

3. to make up = to become friends again
They had a fight, but they made up.

4. to put on make-up= cosmetics 
She put on her make-up.
She is not wearing any make-up.

5. to make out = to do OK
I made out. = I was OK. I did enough to survive.

to make out  =  to succeed
He made out ok. 

6. to make out
I saw a young couple making out in the park. 

7. to make out = to understand
A: What did he say? 
B: I couldn't make it out. 

A: What does this say? 
B: I can't make it out. 

8. to make sb do st
She made me clean up my room.
She made me cry.

9. to make love = to have sex
They made love.
They slept together.
They had sex.

10. to make the bath up for sb
He made the bath for his wife.
He made up the bath for his wife.

11. to make a good JOB
You would make a good cop.

SB would make a good JOB
She is single, but she would make a great mother/wife.

12. to be made to be ADJECTIVE
This chair wasn't made to be sat on.
This chair wasn't made to be stood on.
This bottle was never made to be used.

13. to make sense = to be logical 
That makes no sense.
TOEIC questions:
1. He can't ~ for all the merchandise.
a. accountable, b. accounting, c. account, d. count

2. You can't blame me ~ what happened! It's not my fault.
a. to, b. for, c. on, d. because

It's your fault. = I blame you.

(formal) You are responsible. = You are to blame?

誰が悪かった? Who's fault was it?
Who was at fault. (formal)

3. What did you major ~? 
a. on, b. in, c. to, d. for

4. The mandate was to investigate ~ violations of international law.
a. said, b. allegations, c. supposed, d. alleged

5. Catholicism is Italy's ~ religion.
a. major, b. majority, c. predominant, d. preeminent

6. The site ~ images that had not been properly attributed.
a. had, b. posted, c. contained, d. accomodated