Friday, February 8, 2013

(会員) 2月8 (金曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm - News English!

(会員) 2月8 (金曜日) 11pm - 11:30pm - News English!

China, Japan trade barbs over radar-lock near disputed isles

to trade barbs over = ~に関する[ついての]言葉の応酬

disputed isles = the islands that people are fighting over

Okinawan gov't complains after PET water bottle falls from Osprey

gov't = government  = 政府

to complain = 文句を言う

Ex-yakuza arrested for defrauding construction company

ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend

arrested = 逮捕された = nabbed

to defraud = 詐欺行為をする、だまし取る

a construction company = 建設[建築]会社 

to scam sb= to con sb = to bilk sb = to fool sb

詐欺を働く = to scam

to con sb = ~を信用させてだます、だまして(金を)巻き上げる、言いくるめる

to bilk sb = (人)をだます

Russian fighter planes breach Japanese airspace

a fighter plane = 戦闘機


airspace = 領空


an observation station

大気汚染 = air pollution

PM = particulate matter

PM can have adverse effects on human health.

They can adversely affect human health.

And they also have impacts on climate and precipitation.

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