Monday, February 18, 2013

(会員) 2月17日 (日曜日) 11pm - This week in the news (中級-上級)

(会員) 2月17日 (日曜日) 11pm - This week in the news (中級-上級)
Nico News - Feb. 17, 2013
Who is Chad Ryan De Soto?
He is the psycho who killed all those Japanese tourists in Guam.
a psycho = a crazy person
Chad hit 4 people ~ his car.
I opened the door by breaking the lock.
I opened the door with a hammer.
I opened the door by breaking the lock with a hammer.
Chad stabbed many people.
Chad went on a stabbing spree.
to go on a killing spree = 殺しまくる
to go on a shooting spree = 発砲騒ぎを起こす
to go on a crime spree = 短時間のうちに次々と犯罪を重ねる
to go on a shopping spree = 派手に買い物をしに出掛ける

to go on a binge = 羽を伸ばす、酒を浴びるように飲む、どんちゃん騒ぎをする
to go on a drinking binge = 酒を浴びるように飲む
to go on a shopping binge =衝動買いする

Chad went on a rampage.
to go on a rampage = 暴れだす、荒れ狂う、たけり狂う、

Chad's family expressed remorse.
to express remorse = 深い反省を示す
What was Chad's motive?
The police have no motive.
a motive = 動機
Last I heard = 最後に聞いたところでは、この前聞いたところでは
Last I heard, everything was set. 最新の情報では、準備万端です。
Atsuko Maeda lands first TV drama role since leaving AKB48
to land a role = to get a role
to land a job = to get a job
to land a husband/wife = to get married
to land a fish = to catch a fish

Beyonce had a miscarriage.
a miscarriage = 流産
to have a miscarriage = 流産する
to miscarry = to lose a baby     流産する
a miscarriage = 流産
It's a miscarriage of justice. = 誤審
a meteor = 隕石,
a meteorite = 隕石
Bangladesh bans manga cartoon Doraemon

 禁止 = to prohibit, to ban
Kids are hooked on the Hindi dubbed version.
dubbed = 吹き替え
hooked on = addicted = 中毒
The government doesn’t want children’s educational atmosphere to be hampered by Doraemon.
to hamper = ~を妨げる、妨害する
Doraemon should only be allowed if it is dubbed in Bengali.
territorial dispute 縄張り争い、領土争い

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