Tuesday, February 19, 2013

(会員) 2月19日 (火曜日) 10:00pm - Mixed Levels - Mixed Topics!

My throat is a little scratchy.

Today we're going to talk about all the way s to say, 分かる in English.

to understand
I don't understand.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

I don't understand what he said.

I don't understand why she married him.

I understand why you feel that way.

BAD NEWS. + Please understand. / I hop you understand.
I'm sorry, but I have to fire you. I hope you understand.

(This is not the same as, "I know how you feel.")
I can't see what she sees in him. 

I get it. / I don't get it. 
I don't get what she sees in him. 
I don't understand what she.
I don't get it. What's so funny? sees in him. 

to see
I see. 
I see what you mean. = I get what you mean. = I understand what you mean. 
See! = ほらね!
to see sb = to date sb 
Are you seeing anyone?

to tell = 見てわかる
I can't tell her age. 
I can tell he is angry. 
I can tell he is lying. 

He inferred he was tired. = He indirectly said he was tired.
You're starting to catch on. 

I'm starting to catch on. = ちょっと分かるようになった。

Snowboarding started to catch on about 20 years ago.

He doesn't know squat. = 何も知らない。

He doesn't have a clue. (about something)

He doesn't know anything / jack / squat / shit .  = 何も知らない。
I don't know diddly-squat about it.
I don't know diddly about it.

I can't make out what this paper says.

I can't make out what he is singing.

I can't figure out why he did it.

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