Monday, March 24, 2014

(会員)March 22, 2014 - Movie English & Slang

(会員)March 22, 2014 - Movie English & Slang
 The Wizard of Oz (1939)

"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore."

"Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my!"

“There is no place like home.”

The Godfather (1972)

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."
I made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
"It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes."

He's a thug.
He's a henchman.

He's sleeping with the fishes. = He's dead.

"...if not it's all out war we go to the mattresses. "

I'm going to the mattresses.

Gone With The Wind (1939)
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Terminator 2 (1991)
"Hasta la vista, baby."

"I'll be back.

It's a running gag.

(会員)March 21, 2014 Vocabulary Boost - 初級

(会員)March 21, 2014 Vocabulary Boost - 初級

1. alien: a) not from earth, b) not from your country

2. understand = get, comprehend
I cannot comprehend why he did that.
I understand.
I cannot comprehend him. 
I cannot comprehend WHword. 
I cannot comprehend why you did that.

3. error
That was an error.
That was my erroe.
It was an error.
He committed an error.

4a. content: (名詞) 内容
4b. content: (形容詞) しあわせ 

5. satisfied
Are you satisfisfied with ~?

6. to encourage sb = to root for sb = 励ます
I encourage you to think about it.
I encourage you to....
Another synonym is 促す

synonym = 同意語

7. normal & usual & average
I'm just your average American.

A: What did you do today? 
B: Oh, nothing special. Just the ~. 

A: What did you do today? 
B: Oh, nothing special. Just the usual. 

I'd like the ~ please.

I'd like the usual, please.

He is a ~ guy.
He is an average guy.

He is not strange. = He is just a normal guy.

8. 頭がいい? bright / clever / smart / intelligent

彼は天才だ。He is a genius!
Your idea is genius.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

(会員)March 18, 2014 Crimes & Passion

(会員)March 18, 2014 Crimes & Passion 

1. He killed a man. He is guilty of ~.

2. He stole candy from a store. That is ~.

3. He started a fire and burned down a house. That is called ~.

4. He used a gun to take all my money when I was walking down the street. He ~ me.

5. He used a gun to ~ a convenience store.

6. He ~ my car.

7. He ~ my money.
8. My house was ~.

9. He took money from his own company. That's embezzlement.

10. He was arrested for smuggling.
to smuggle = import or export illegally
Formal: He is a drug trafficker.
11.  I fell in love (with her. )

12. It was love at first sight.

13. She broke up with me.

14. She dumped me.

15. I like blonde girls. 
I have a thing for blonde girls.

16. My girlfriend and I are always fighting.
Our relationship is on the rocks.

17. I'm going to ask my girlfriend to marry me.
I'm going to ~ the question.

18. 片思い = unrequited love

19. They met and they got along well right away.
They met and they ~ it ~ right away.
They met and they hit it off right away.

20. I don't really know her, I think I like her a lot.
I have a ~ on her.

21. We broke up once, and then we got back together.   We are getting married next year.


(会員)March 14, 2014 English Lesson RANDOM: news, slang, etc.

(会員)March 14, 2014 English Lesson RANDOM: news, slang, etc.

1. to present = formal word for "give"
XX She presented me chocolates.
X She presented me with chocolates.
O She presented him with an Oscar.

2. to give = the most common word for あげる
O She gave me chocolates.
O The movie gave me a good idea.

3 to reciprocate = 報いる、等価のものを返す
Allow me to reciprocate.

4. a present = 名詞 noun
She gave me a present.

5. to plagiarize =  盗用[盗作]する
Haruko Obokata was accused of ~.

Haruko Obokata was accused of plagiarizing her thesis.

6. plagiarism = 盗作、盗用
Haruko Obokata was accused of plagiarism.

7. to crucify sb: to treat sb unfairly and harshly

The media is crucifying her.

8. to expose sb
~をさらす, 露出する、見せる

They exposed her as a fraud.

The sentences that she allegedly copy and pasted are nothing special.

9. to retract = to take st back

10. to weigh st = to consider = to think about one's decision
I am weighing my options.

11. to vandalize = ~を破壊する、 ~を壊す

12. vandalism = 破壊
Man charged in Anne Frank diary vandalism case

to do time = to go to jail
to do hard time = to go to a really tough jail for a long time 

(会員)March 12, 2014 English Lesson 生放送 MIXED LEVELS Vocabulary

(会員)March 12, 2014 English Lesson 生放送 MIXED LEVELS Vocabulary 
 1. to present = formal word for "give"
XX She presented me chocolates.
X She presented me with chocolates.
O She presented him with an Oscar.

2. to give = the most common word for あげる
O She gave me chocolates.
O The movie gave me a good idea.

3 to reciprocate = 報いる、等価のものを返す
Allow me to reciprocate.

4. a present = 名詞 noun
She gave me a present.

5. to plagiarize =  盗用[盗作]する
Haruko Obokata was accused of ~.

Haruko Obokata was accused of plagiarizing her thesis.

6. plagiarism = 盗作、盗用
Haruko Obokata was accused of plagiarism.

7. to crucify sb: to treat sb unfairly and harshly

The media is crucifying her.

8. to expose sb
~をさらす, 露出する、見せる

They exposed her as a fraud.

The sentences that she allegedly copy and pasted are nothing special.

9. to retract = to take st back

10. to weigh st = to consider = to think about one's decision
I am weighing my options.

11. to vandalize = ~を破壊する、 ~を壊す

12. vandalism = 破壊
Man charged in Anne Frank diary vandalism case

to do time = to go to jail
to do hard time = to go to a really tough jail for a long time

(会員)March 10, 2014 English Lesson 生放送 初級 Vocabulary

(会員)March 10, 2014 English Lesson 生放送 初級 Vocabulary 

1. tired = fatigued = exhausted
slang: beat = dead = pooped
I am dead/beat/pooped.
UK: knackered

2. scared
I'm scared of snakes.
Snakes are ~.

3. I think so too.
= I ~ with you.
I agree with you.

4. I am 怒っている!
I am angry.

5. What time did you get here?
= What time did you ~?

6. top <--> bottom
antonym = 反対語

7. 頭がいい = smart
clever, bright, smart, intelligent

8. mean = 意地悪
残酷 = cruel

9. ついに、最後に
= finally

10. 隠す
to hide = to conceal
Where have you been hiding yourself?

11. 狩る = hunt
job hunting
house hunting 
apartment hunting
That dog won't hunt. 

12. 少々お待ちください。= Just a minute, please. Hold on, please. Just a moment, please.

13. ecstatic, happy, delighted, glad, pleased, satisfied

14. 約束する = promise
He has a promising future.
promising 前途有望な、見込みのある、将来が明るい、末頼もしい、〔優れていると〕期待できる

15. safe = 形容詞
safety = 名詞
X He is a safety driver.  O He is a safe driver.

(会員)English Lesson 生放送 Slang and News

(会員)English Lesson 生放送 Slang and News

a street slasher

Have you been following the story?

Was he trying to kill the first one?
Or was it coincidental?
It was coincidental.

This is a coincidence. What a coincidence.

無差別殺人=a random killing

 精神病質者 =a psychopath
a sociopath

a someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience

delusional = 【形】妄想の

a stabbing spree
a shooting spree
a shopping spree
a spending spree

to binge-drink 
to binge-eat
to binge-watch
1. She is spacy. She is an ~.

2. What is the slang word for a New Zealander?

3. What is an adjective for something cheap and in bad taste.

4. What do you call people who just write hateful messages on the Internet.?

5. How do you say "to have sex" in UK English?

6. How do you say happy in UK slang?

7. "I am pissed." in UK slang means "drunk".

8. What does "dodgy" mean in standard English?

9. 嫌な女 in English?

10. 尻軽な女 in English?
She is a ~.

A BONUS: an incredibly painful headache = a migraine

1. airhead, 2. Kiwi, 3. cheesy, 4. trolls or hates, 5. shag, 6. chuffed, 7. drunk , 8. suspicious or shady or fishy, 9. bitch, 10. a slut, 11.

(会員)March 6, 2014 - Vocabulary Quiz!

(会員)March 6, 2014 - Vocabulary Quiz! 
 (会員)March 6, 2014 - Vocabulary Quiz!
1. My hand is ~ my over.

2. That joke went over my head.

3. If you want a reservation at that restaurant you need to call at least one month ~ of time.

4. I don't have that ~ of money.

5. You should fight for what you ~ in.
I don't ~ in God.

6. You should fight for your ~s.

7. He is so stuck up. He thinks he is the ~ of the universe.

8. A toaster, a TV, a microwave oven. All of these are examples of household ~.

9. Another word for a teenager is an ~ or a ~.

10. If something is easily breakable we say it is ~.

11. A negative word for fragile is ~.

12. Flower petals are very ~.

13. A problem appeared. = A problem ~.
14. He is not my friend, but I do know him. He is just an ~.
15. I need to get used to this new software.
= I need to acquaint myself with this new software.
= I need to get acquainted with this new software.
You should get better acquainted with ~.
16. You shouldn't say that word in public. It's ~.
17. I am a master craftsmen. He is my student. = He is my ~.

18. ~ makes the heart grow fonder.

19. Get on your knees!  =  ~!

20. He has an evil plan to steal money! = He is ~ing to steal money.

1. above, 2. over, 3. ahead, 4. amount, 5. belief, 6. belief, 7. center, 8. appliances, 9. adolescent or a juvenile. 10. fragile, 11. flimsy, 12. delicate, 13. arose, came up, 14. acquaintance, 15. acquaint, 16. obscene / vulgar, 17. apprentice, 18. absence, 19. kneel, 20. scheming

(会員)March 3, 2014 - bone & body idioms

(会員)March 3, 2014 - bone & body idioms
1. to bone up on = to brush up on
I have not studied Japanese history in a long time, so I need to bone up on my Japanese history.

2. to have a bone to pick with sb
I have a bone to pick with you.
Maria, I have a bone to pick with you about last month's report. : マリア、先月のレポートのことでちょっと言いたいことがあるんだ。

3. cut someone to the bone (人)の骨身にこたえる、(人)の骨までしゃぶる、(人)の気持ちを深く傷つける
That comment really cut me to the bone.

4. to chill sb to the bone
The wind chilled me to the bone.
Her comment chilled me to the bone.

5. to be skin and bones
You are skin and bones.
He is skin and bones.

6. to work one's fingers to the bone
= to work very very hard
He worked his fingers to the bone.

7. to feel sb in one's bones
I feel it in my bones. = I am sure.
He is lying. I feel it in my bones.

8. sb does not have a 形容詞 bone in his body
He does not have a cruel bone in his body.
He does not have a jealous bone in his body.

9. bare-bones
It's a bare-bones operation.
a skeleton staff

10. dry as a bone = bone dry
My glass is dry as a bone.
I'm bone dry. = I'm really thirsty.

11. a bone of contention