(会員)March 6, 2014 - Vocabulary Quiz!
(会員)March 6, 2014 - Vocabulary Quiz!
1. My hand is ~ my over.
2. That joke went over my head.
3. If you want a reservation at that restaurant you need to call at least one month ~ of time.
4. I don't have that ~ of money.
5. You should fight for what you ~ in.
I don't ~ in God.
6. You should fight for your ~s.
7. He is so stuck up. He thinks he is the ~ of the universe.
8. A toaster, a TV, a microwave oven. All of these are examples of household ~.
9. Another word for a teenager is an ~ or a ~.
10. If something is easily breakable we say it is ~.
11. A negative word for fragile is ~.
12. Flower petals are very ~.
13. A problem appeared. = A problem ~.
14. He is not my friend, but I do know him. He is just an ~.
15. I need to get used to this new software.
= I need to acquaint myself with this new software.
= I need to get acquainted with this new software.
You should get better acquainted with ~.
16. You shouldn't say that word in public. It's ~.
17. I am a master craftsmen. He is my student. = He is my ~.
18. ~ makes the heart grow fonder.
19. Get on your knees! = ~!
20. He has an evil plan to steal money! = He is ~ing to steal money.
1. above, 2. over, 3. ahead, 4. amount, 5. belief, 6. belief, 7. center, 8. appliances, 9. adolescent or a juvenile. 10. fragile, 11. flimsy, 12. delicate, 13. arose, came up, 14. acquaintance, 15. acquaint, 16. obscene / vulgar, 17. apprentice, 18. absence, 19. kneel, 20. scheming
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