Monday, March 24, 2014

(会員)March 21, 2014 Vocabulary Boost - 初級

(会員)March 21, 2014 Vocabulary Boost - 初級

1. alien: a) not from earth, b) not from your country

2. understand = get, comprehend
I cannot comprehend why he did that.
I understand.
I cannot comprehend him. 
I cannot comprehend WHword. 
I cannot comprehend why you did that.

3. error
That was an error.
That was my erroe.
It was an error.
He committed an error.

4a. content: (名詞) 内容
4b. content: (形容詞) しあわせ 

5. satisfied
Are you satisfisfied with ~?

6. to encourage sb = to root for sb = 励ます
I encourage you to think about it.
I encourage you to....
Another synonym is 促す

synonym = 同意語

7. normal & usual & average
I'm just your average American.

A: What did you do today? 
B: Oh, nothing special. Just the ~. 

A: What did you do today? 
B: Oh, nothing special. Just the usual. 

I'd like the ~ please.

I'd like the usual, please.

He is a ~ guy.
He is an average guy.

He is not strange. = He is just a normal guy.

8. 頭がいい? bright / clever / smart / intelligent

彼は天才だ。He is a genius!
Your idea is genius.

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