Thursday, July 16, 2015

(会員)2017年7月16日(Thu) 英会話ライブレッスン

(会員)2017年7月16日(Thu) 英会話ライブレッスン
1. What do you call a very special dish. = a delicacy
Ex: It’s a local delicacy.
2. ご馳走 = a feast
3. バイキング= a buffet
4. VERY good food from a country = cuisine
Ex: Be sure to try the local cuisine.
5. St someone is VERY good at making/doing = a speciality 
Ex: What’s your specialty?
6. I ate saba and then I got sick. I guess the saba didn’t agree with me.
Something I ate must not have agreed with me.
7. Red wine goes with meat.
White wine goes with fish.
8. gross = disgusting: standard English
NEW WORD: unpalatable
9. INTELLECTUAL WORD for “taste”
He has a very discerning palate.
He has good taste. He has a discerning palate.
10. sliced ginger prepared in vinegar used as a 口直し = something you eat to cleanse your palate
11. something you can eat = edible
12. something you cannot eat = inedible
13. unapalatable = something you cannot eat or accept for some reason, maybe morally, etc.
He finds taxes unpalatable.

(会員)2017年7月15日(Wed) 英会話ライブレッスン

(会員)2017年7月15日(Wed) 英会話ライブレッスン

We're having someone come take a look at the air-conditioner tomorrow.

Mitsubishi Materials to apologize for U.S. forced labor, 70 years later

Prisoner of War

No war! No hate! No nukes!

to nuke st = to cook st in a microwave

monetize st = to do st to try to make money from it — especially on the Internet

a boar

He is such a  bore.
The 3 men sustained injuries to their ankles and thighs.
to be injured

Skymark filed for bankruptcy protection in late January.

Skymark went bankrupt.

Honda to pay $25 mil to settle U.S. discrimination claims

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


an uplifting story = a story that makes you feel happy
a dead animal body = a carcass
Someone called the city.

We'll take care of it.
It brought people together.

The people of Toronto paid homage to the dead racoon.
Some on Twitter dubbed it Conrad.
=Some people on Twitter named it Conrad.

I called animal services.
Animal services will whisk the dead racoon away.
Prince Charming whisked Cinderella away.
I want to be whisked away.
Women want to be whisked away.
Men are supposed to woo women. 
Men are supposed to romance women.
Nobody showed up.
Mourners began to gather and add to the memorial.
Mourners began to gather and add to the memorial.
mourner【名】    嘆く人、哀悼者、会葬者
chief mourner = 祭主、喪主
Dead raccoons are known to carry rabies.
rabies【名】= 狂犬病、恐水病
He was rabid.
rabid 【形】〔考え・意見・行動などが〕狂気じみた、過激な

This raccoon has brought people together.

public shaming = to try to make someone feel bad by publicly talking about them

a candlelight vigil
People started leaving messages for the dead raccoon.
a candlelight vigil

Members Only2015年7月10日(金)English Live Lesson

Members Only2015年7月10日(金)English Live Lesson
1. What do you call your travel schedule?
your itinerary
What's your itinerary?

2. What’s the formal word for “tip”?
a gratuity
There will be a 15% gratuity automatically added to groups of 8 people or more.

3. Giving and getting directions on the train/subway:
This train is bound for Tokyo Station. (formal)
This train is headed to Tokyo Station. (casual)
Where are you headed?

4. Excuse me, where is ~ station?
4. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ~?

Get on / Take the ~ line headed to ~.

Change to the Shinjuku Line and take it 3 stops to Shinjuku. It's the last stop.

5. Go straight down this street.
Go straight up this street. 

Go straight for 2 blocks.

Go straight about 5 blocks until you get to a light.
Go straight about 5 blocks until you get to a signal.
Go straight about 5 blocks until you get to a stoplight.
Go straight about 5 blocks until you get to big intersection.

Turn right at the 3rd intersection.
Turn right at the 3rd light.

点滅信号 = flashing signal / flashing light

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Members Only 2015年7月8日(水)English Live Lesson

Members Only 2015年7月8日(水)English Live Lesson

1. It’s a zoo.  = It’s out of control. 
2. That body builder is on gorilla juice. 
3. Google is the 800 pound gorilla in the cloud business. 
4. He was obviously in a fight. You could tell by his black eye. But nobody at work wanted to talk about the elephant in the room. 
5. He has a memory like an elephant. 
An elephant never forgets. 
6. a hippopotamus = 河馬
 hippo= 馬, 
 potamus =
a hippodrome = 競馬場
7. a penguin suit = a tuxedo
What’s with the penguin suit?

monkey suit (男子用)夜会服、正装
a suit = a business

A suit came by to see you. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

(公開) 7月07日11pm 英会話 - Emotions

(公開) 7月07日11pm 英会話 - Emotions

1. I am disappointed. = I had hope.
2. I am depressed. = a deeper sadness
3. I’m unhappy.
4.  I have the blues.
5. He has a long face. 
Why the long face? 
X I have a long face. 
5. He looked/was downcast.
6. Everyone was in low spirits.
7. He was inconsolable.
8. satisfied / pleased / glad / happy / ecstatic
9. miffed / ticked off / mad / steamed / angry / furious / apoplectic
irritated = aggravated
VERY angry = apoplectic
apoplectic = enraged = to go ballistic = infuriated = foaming at the mouth = incensed = fuming


The news hit me hard.
The news did a number on him.
She did a number on me.
I was dumbfounded.
I was at a loss for words.
I was speechless.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

(公開) 7月04日10pm(土曜日)英会話 - Women idioms

(公開) 7月04日10pm(土曜日)英会話 - Women idioms 
kotowaza = proverb

A woman's work is never done.
perpetually = lasting forever
a strong older middle aged woman = a battle axe
I am going to make an ~ woman of her.
I’ll make an honest woman of you someday.
She made an honest man of me.
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
a working woman: a) a woman who works for a business or in an office, b) prostitute (call girl, 買春)
a euphemism = nice way to say something unpleasant
He died.  = He passed away.
He’s 6 feet under.
He's pushing up daisies.
He’s in a better place.

She’s pregnant.
She's expecting.
She’s got a ~ in the oven.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Members Only 7月01日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 7月01日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
How time flies!
Mount Fuji climbing season opens; free Wi-Fi available
Ayu fishing season opened last month.
free Wi-Fi available

That's ridiculous!   What the Hell!?
~ is in season.
What fish is in season now.
What fruits are in season.

2. available = you can get it, you can reserve it, you can ask for it.

He's not available.  = a) He has a girlfriend/wife.
He's not available.  = b) He is busy.

He's the most available bachelor in town.

I lost my space.

Japanese business mood improves despite gloomy data =
mood = people’s attitudes.
She’s in a good mood. 
He’s in a bad mood.

I am in no mood to help me.
Do you know the consequences?
to postpone sb = to push sb back

I postponed my operation.
There is a scandal bout Arnold.

It's been 31 years since the original T2 came out.
That’s 31 years and counting.
That’s XXXX and counting.

Shoot me an email.

Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 
  Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
to set sb/st on fire = 火をつける
BBC article
redundant = unnecessarily repetitive
重軽傷 = serious & minor injuries
a witness = a person who sees st, 目撃者
to ignite st = to set it on fire
to evacuate = 避難する
to make an emergency stop
resume operating = resume operation = to retart
What was his motive?
They are treating the incident as a suicide.
They are treating the incident as an accident.
a petrol container

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for men between the ages of 20 and 44.
Japan is no stranger to suicide.
Lady Gaga is no stranger to controversy.
The driver had tried to put out the fire.
She died from smoke inhalation.
心肺停止 = cardiac arrest
債務不履行 = to default on a debt
"supermax" prison in the U.S.
a notorious jail - famous for a bad reason

Members Only 6月29日(月曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 6月29日(月曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

liberal = open minded and accepting

fiscally conservative

He’s liberal with his money.

conservative = 保守的な

He's a gay basher. He bashes Japan.

 We’re going to need a bigger boat.


Fasten you seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

You had me at ‘hello’.

Members Only 6月28日(日曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

 Members Only 6月28日(日曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

NO VIDEO. The audio failed.

LDP media bashers put security bills in doubt
liberal = open minded and accepting
conservative = 保守的な
fiscally conservative
realistic <―> idealistic
Idealistically we should ban all guns in the USA, but this is not a realistic solution. f

LDP media bashers put
security bills in doubt

a ~ basher = someone who criticizes ~ very strongly

Today's loss puts Nadeshiko's future in doubt.

a stand-up comedy
same-sex marriage

American gays have legal recognition.

muggy = 蒸し暑い
a) Would you mind if I smoked?
Do you mind if I smoke?
Would you mind if I sat here?
Do you mind if I sit here?

b) Do you mind helping me?
Would you mind helping me?
Do/Would you mind giving me a hand?
Do/Would you mind opening a window?
Do you mind turning off the air-conditioner.
Do you mind not doing that?
Do you mind?

Do you mind me smoking?
Do you mind me not going?

Members Only 6月26日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 6月26日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
The Confederate Flag is considered offensive.

a hate crime

I had my hair cut.
I got my hair cut.  

I got a haircut.

I’m looking for a run-down barbershop.

dilapidated old store

I was pleasantly surprised at his ability.

What a coincidence.

It’s muggy out today.

Some words I know but they don’t roll off the tongue.

That name does not roll of the tongue. = It’s difficult to say smoothly

Members Only 6月24日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 6月24日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 
1. lopsided = not even

2. I know.  
I don’t know.

3. I understand.
I know how to make it,
but I don't understand how to make it.

4. I get it. = I understand.

5. I don’t follow. = I’m sorry I don’t understand what is happening.

6. I have a secret.

7. This is just between you and me.
This is just between you and me and the crickets.

8. His father is a doctor so he was privy to a lot of details about his operation.

9. Sorry, I’m not privy to information like that.
I am not privy to that information.

10. He is from Alabama.

11. Please show him the ropes.
Yuna please show Tomoka the ropes.
Hey, thanks for today. Thank for showing me the ropes.

12. I’d like to pick his brains.
Do you mind if I pick your brains?

13. street smarts vs. books smarts

He has book smarts, but he doesn’t have street smarts.


Members Only 6月19日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Members Only 6月19日(金曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

密輸する to smuggle
うっかりミス = an honest mistake

I made an honest mistake.

Julie Hamp was arrested on suspicion of illegally bringing pain killers into Japan.

Julie Hamp was arrested on suspicion of smuggling drugs into Japan.

Joe Smith was arrested on suspicion of murder.
Joe Smith was arrested on suspicion of arson.

damage control

Toyota is in damage control mode right now.

Toyota’s reputation has been damaged.
Toyota’s reputation has been tarnished.

The silver is tarnished.

His honor/image/reputation has been tarnished.

Hamp said that she had no intent of breaking the law.

The pills were in packets or buried at the bottom of the parcel, which also contained toy pendants and necklaces, they said.

The pills were in packets or buried at the bottom of the parcel.
to bury = 埋める、隠す

Oxycodone = powerful & addictive pain killer

a prescription = 処方箋

The street value is the amount of money that drug costs on the street.

Donald Trump
He is tacky.
But he has no tact.
to have tact = to know when to say st and when NOT to say st

Her tweet was perfectly sassy.
boldly smart & rebellious

Donald’s ego is inflated.
he might as well be the Hindenburg.


Members Only 6月18日(木曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Members Only 6月18日(木曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Candidates are starting to campaign.

Hillary Clinton has thrown her hat into the ring.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump has a toupée
The Democrats & The Republicans

D.T. has never held office.
He has never held office.
He can siphon away votes.

Jon Stewart is the host of THE DAILY SHOW.

Donald Trump makes great comedic fodder.

SNL = Saturday Night Live

She poked fun at herself. = She made fun of herself.

hypothetical = 仮定の

You will be inundated with the 2016 election.

Members Only 6月16日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min

Members Only 6月16日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min
Members Only 6月16日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 30 min
1. Bruce Jenner 
2. swag = fashion 
3. dad bod
A white woman has been pretending to be black her whole life.
She has been masquerading as a black person.
She was recently exposed.
She cut ties with her parents.
'Black' activist resigns helm of US civil rights group

an African American,  
a black person
a colored person
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

She resigned amid allegations she is white but has masqueraded for years as being black.

an allegation, alleged, allegedly
He allegedly killed his wife.
This is the alleged murder weapon.