Sunday, July 5, 2015

(公開) 7月04日10pm(土曜日)英会話 - Women idioms

(公開) 7月04日10pm(土曜日)英会話 - Women idioms 
kotowaza = proverb

A woman's work is never done.
perpetually = lasting forever
a strong older middle aged woman = a battle axe
I am going to make an ~ woman of her.
I’ll make an honest woman of you someday.
She made an honest man of me.
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
a working woman: a) a woman who works for a business or in an office, b) prostitute (call girl, 買春)
a euphemism = nice way to say something unpleasant
He died.  = He passed away.
He’s 6 feet under.
He's pushing up daisies.
He’s in a better place.

She’s pregnant.
She's expecting.
She’s got a ~ in the oven.


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