Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Members Only 7月01日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 7月01日(水曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
How time flies!
Mount Fuji climbing season opens; free Wi-Fi available
Ayu fishing season opened last month.
free Wi-Fi available

That's ridiculous!   What the Hell!?
~ is in season.
What fish is in season now.
What fruits are in season.

2. available = you can get it, you can reserve it, you can ask for it.

He's not available.  = a) He has a girlfriend/wife.
He's not available.  = b) He is busy.

He's the most available bachelor in town.

I lost my space.

Japanese business mood improves despite gloomy data =
mood = people’s attitudes.
She’s in a good mood. 
He’s in a bad mood.

I am in no mood to help me.
Do you know the consequences?
to postpone sb = to push sb back

I postponed my operation.
There is a scandal bout Arnold.

It's been 31 years since the original T2 came out.
That’s 31 years and counting.
That’s XXXX and counting.

Shoot me an email.

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