Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson

Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson 
  Members Only 6月30日(火曜日)英会話 Live Lesson
to set sb/st on fire = 火をつける
BBC article
redundant = unnecessarily repetitive
重軽傷 = serious & minor injuries
a witness = a person who sees st, 目撃者
to ignite st = to set it on fire
to evacuate = 避難する
to make an emergency stop
resume operating = resume operation = to retart
What was his motive?
They are treating the incident as a suicide.
They are treating the incident as an accident.
a petrol container

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for men between the ages of 20 and 44.
Japan is no stranger to suicide.
Lady Gaga is no stranger to controversy.
The driver had tried to put out the fire.
She died from smoke inhalation.
心肺停止 = cardiac arrest
債務不履行 = to default on a debt
"supermax" prison in the U.S.
a notorious jail - famous for a bad reason

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