Tuesday, July 14, 2015


an uplifting story = a story that makes you feel happy
a dead animal body = a carcass
Someone called the city.

We'll take care of it.
It brought people together.

The people of Toronto paid homage to the dead racoon.
Some on Twitter dubbed it Conrad.
=Some people on Twitter named it Conrad.

I called animal services.
Animal services will whisk the dead racoon away.
Prince Charming whisked Cinderella away.
I want to be whisked away.
Women want to be whisked away.
Men are supposed to woo women. 
Men are supposed to romance women.
Nobody showed up.
Mourners began to gather and add to the memorial.
Mourners began to gather and add to the memorial.
mourner【名】    嘆く人、哀悼者、会葬者
chief mourner = 祭主、喪主
Dead raccoons are known to carry rabies.
rabies【名】= 狂犬病、恐水病
He was rabid.
rabid 【形】〔考え・意見・行動などが〕狂気じみた、過激な

This raccoon has brought people together.

public shaming = to try to make someone feel bad by publicly talking about them

a candlelight vigil
People started leaving messages for the dead raccoon.
a candlelight vigil

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