Thursday, August 6, 2015

(会員)2015年 8月6日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

(会員)2015年 8月6日(木曜日)英会話ライブレッスン
I am so jetlagged. 
Today is the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb.
a funeral = お葬式
a memorial service = a solemn gathering to remember st that happened or somebody’s life

solemn = 厳粛な[たる]、儀式ばった、宗教上の

hold a memorial service = 追悼式を行う
American royalty = the highest level of Americans
royalty NOT loyalty
royalty = 王族、皇族、君主[帝王]一族
loyalty = 忠義、誠実、忠実、忠誠

American man arrested for abandoning body of woman found in Kanagawa bay
He was arrested for murder.
He was arrested for abandoning a body. 
a body, a corpse = 死体
検死 = an autopsy 
arrested on suspicion of = の疑いで逮捕
a cove = 入り江、小さな湾
allegedly = suspected, not proven yet 
He has denied the allegation
to deny = 否定する
allegation = accusation, suspicion, 申し立て
An autopsy found water in her lungs.
This story is not getting a lot of press.
This story is not getting a lot of attention.

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