Tuesday, August 18, 2015

(会員)2015年 8月18日(火曜日)英会話ライブレッスン NEWS

(会員)2015年 8月18日(火曜日)英会話ライブレッスン NEWS

FDA: Olympus waited years to report medical scope problems
Slang: I'm going to scope out the place.

The scopes are difficult to disinfect.

to disinfect = 消毒する、殺菌する=to sterilize
to sterilize = to operate or treat sb so that they cannot have children, 不妊にする

FDA = Food and Drug Administration
to infect sb = 〔病気を〕うつす、感染させる
Laughter is infectious.

She had an infectious laugh.
infectious laugh
《an ~》周囲の人もつられて笑ってしまうような笑いの持ち主だ

2. Body identified as 13-year-old girl; male classmate missing
The girl is 13 years old.
She is a 13 year old girl.

He was going to hang out with her. = He was going to spend time with someone.

Hey, you wanna hang out?
Let’s hang out sometime.
It was fun hanging out with him.
You shouldn’t hang out with those kids. They are bad news.

An autopsy revealed that the girl had been suffocated.

to suffocate = to take away air from sb so that they cannot breathe
3. Legal challenges mounting for TEPCO over Fukushima disaster
I like challenges.
a legal challenge = a legal or court problem, for example a lawsuit
4. Aichi police officer arrested over attempted rape 4 years ago
to attemp to do st  = to try to do st
understand the scope of the problem

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