Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday Night! Halloween Lesson - 2! 10月31日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

Monday Night! Halloween Lesson - 2! 10月31日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

1. I’m scared to death of dying. 
   I’m scared to death of snakes. 
2. Classic idiom: to give up the ghost = to die
He gave up the ghost. = He died. 
He almost gave up the ghost. = He almost died. 
3. He is very pale. = He was as white as a sheet.
4. She is my own flesh and blood. = She is related to me. She is related to me by blood.
5. Blood is thicker than water.  
6. too rich for my blood 
This is too expensive for me. = This is too rich for my blood. ]
7. a blue blood = a member of the royal family 
8. to kill somebody in cold blood 
She killed her husband in cold blood. 
She felt no remorse and no regret. 
remorse: 悔恨、自責の念、深い後悔、痛恨の念、良心の呵責
regret: ~を残念[遺憾・気の毒]に思う、後悔する、悔しく思う、残念ながら~する
9. She is responsible for his death. = She has blood on her hands.
10. They do not get along because something happened between them a long time ago. = There is bad blood between them. 
There is no love lost between them. 
11. You cannot get blood from a stone. 
get blood from a stone
12. to smell blood = to gather because you know someone is injured and you want a piece 
The reporters smell blood. 
13. I’m sick to death of the election news.
= tired of, sick, fed up with 
14. I feel like death warmed over. = very tired or sick 
15. I’m tickled to death. = very pleased
16. I’m scared to death. = very scared = Same as number one. 

17. I’m thrilled to death = very excited about st

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Night! Halloween Lesson! 10月30日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

Sunday Night! Halloween Lesson! 10月30日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン
1. afraid of / scared of  < formal: frightened

2. terrified = stronger than afraid /scared / frightened

3. I have a (slight / strong) fear of ~.

4. I have a (slight / strong) phobia of ~.
I have a NOUN phobia.

5. I am claustrophobic. = fear of small spaces

6. I am acrophobic. = fear of high places

7. a prefix

8. I am agoraphobic. = fear of wide open areas

9. I am arachnophobic.  = fear of spiders

10. I was scared shitless.

11. He scared the shit out of me.
He scared the crap out of me.
He scared the piss out of me.
He scared the Hell out of me.
He scared the dickens out of me.

12. He scared the pants off of me.

13. ~ makes my hair stand on end.

14. That song is creepy.
That song creeps me out.
That song gives me the creeps.

15. Oh! You scared me. I almost jumped out of my skin.

16. ~ gives me the creeps. = ~ gives me the heebie-jeebies.

17. He was scared he was shaking in his boots.

18. He was petrified. = He was scared stiff. = He was paralyzed with fear.

19. He was shaking like a leaf.

20. You scared the living daylights out of me.

21. I am scared to death of sharks.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Nico - Oct. 28, 2016

Nico - Oct. 28, 2016
Hillary Clinton Eyes Vice President Joe Biden As Her Secretary of State: Report
Secretary of State = 国務長官

Meet the Teacher Who Co-Hosted with Kelly Ripa – and He Nailed It So Hard He's Invited Back!

He nailed it so hard that he is invited back to the show.

Racially charged photo at WashU sparks discussion
race = 人種
racial = adjective
racially = adverb
racially charged comment =人種問題を引き起こしそうな発言
Mel Gibson was blacklisted after he said some racially insensitive things about 10 years ago.
sublime = of very great excellence or beauty

an axiom = a saying = a proverb
"Separate the art from the artist."

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Members Only! 10月23日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン

Members Only! 10月23日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン
rallying cry =a ~》〔人々に行動を起こさせるための〕スローガン、掛け声、ときの声

‘SNL': Tom Hanks Impersonates ‘Inferno’ Director Ron Howard on ‘America’s Funniest Pets’

SNL = Saturday Night Live

impersonate = to act like a famous person

an impersonation = the noun of impersonate 

Trump belongs to the Republican Party.

Trump is a Republican.

The leader of the Republican Party is a a politician named Paul Ryan. 

Paul Ryan Could Be Ousted In 4 Weeks, Lame Duck Would Be In Chaos

to oust sb = to kick sb out

a lame duck = a politician who is leaving soon and so has little power 

Alec Baldwin spoofed Trump. 

to spoof = いたずらにだます、からかう、ちゃかす

Saturday - Oct. 22st - News roundup (会員) 22:30

Saturday - Oct. 22st - News roundup (会員) 22:30
I dreamt I was sick. 

世論調査 = opinion poll

According to the polls, Clinton is winning. 

a surrogate = someone’s representative 

Trump said he may not accept the election results. 

Some Republicans rip Trump for refusal to say he’ll accept election results.

to rip sb = to criticize

to rip sb off = to trick sb and take their money 

He ripped me off.

That’s a rip-off!

He ripped the newspaper.

Republican Party 《米》共和党

The election is rigged/fixed.

voter fraud

inauguration day = the day the new president is sworn into office

to whine = to complain

a whiner = a person who whines, complains

He is a poor loser. 

voter fraud, election fraud

nasty 【形】 不快な、汚らわしい、意地の悪い、扱いにくい foul; filthy ; distasteful; 
disgusting; horrid; dirty ; nauseating; loathsome; indecent ; obscene; ill-tempered

No my first name ain't baby, It's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty

a rallying cry

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday - Oct. 20th - Movie expressions (会員)

Thursday - Oct. 20th - Movie expressions (会員)
The 24 Most Unforgettable Movie Quotes Of 2014

1. Whiplash
His conductor is a hard ass.
There are no 2 words in the English language more harmful than “good job”.
harmful = dangerous

2. Birdman
Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige, my friend.

popularity = 人気さ
a slut = a woman who will have sex with anyone.
She’s a slut. / He’s a male slut.

slutty 【形】 〈俗〉〔女性などが〕性的に放縦な、ふしだらな、みだらな◆否定的ニュアンスを伴う。

prestige 【名】 〔人に払われる〕敬意、尊敬

prestigious =【形】名声のある、一流の、高名な、誉れの高い

3. Racism describes a systemic advantage based on race.

Black people can’t be racists since we don’t stand to benefit from such a system.

to stand to benefit = to be in a position to benefit

4. Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future.

5. I think forgiveness has been highly underrated.
They underestimated him. = Trump was underrated.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wed - Oct. 19th - Basic BUT VERY useful vocabulary (会員)

Wed - Oct. 19th - Basic BUT VERY useful vocabulary (会員)

1. realize, recognize, notice, know, and tell

a) How do you know him? 

How did you hear about this school?

Who knows?! = I don’t know. & I don’t care.

Father knows best.


He has the know-how to get the job done.

あらま!What do you know?

やっぱり!= I knew it!, Wouldn’t you know it.

He doesn’t know anything. =  He doesn’t know his A from B.

= He doesn’t know anything. =  He doesn’t know his ass from elbow.
= He doesn’t know shit about XXXX.

2. I can’t tell the difference between South Koreans and North Koreans.

I can’t tell the difference between Americans and Canadians.

You can tell the difference.   
I couldn’t tell she got a haircut.

3. notice

I noticed your watch is wooden.

They passed around a notice with neighborhood events.

I gave them my 2 weeks notice.

4. to recognize = to hear or see and know the name of

I didn’t recognize any of these people.

I didn’t recognize any of these people, but one of them looked a little familiar.

Tuesday - Oct. 18th - MORE Fun idioms! (会員

Tuesday - Oct. 18th - MORE Fun idioms! (会員
Clown idioms:
1. a class clown: A mischievous or impudent student

mischievous = いたずらが好きな
impudent = 生意気な
frequently = often
to disrupt = (verb) to interrupt
a prank / to prank = いたずら・いたずらをする
wry = humorous, funny

2. to clown around = to joke around
Stop clowning around and get back to work.

3. to bark up the wrong tree = you are looking in the wrong direction
I’m sorry, but I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.

4. an arm and a leg / to cost an arm and a leg = to be very expensive
Getting my computer fixed cost me an arm and a leg.

5. one’s first born = super expensive
It would cost me my first born to build a house.
Wow! Why don’t you just my first born.

6. Speak of the devil. = I was just talking about you.

7. I wouldn’t be caught dead + situation.
I wouldn’t be caught dead in that place.
My mother wouldn’t be caught dead at that restaurant. 
I wouldn’t be caught dead on a date with him.
I wouldn’t be caught dead eating at that restaurant.
I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with him.
If I were you, I wouldn’t be caught dead talking to him.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Nico - Oct. 14, 2016

Nico - Oct. 14, 2016

fubar = "Fucked up beyond all recognition"

snafu = “Situation Normal All Fucked Up”

b.s. = bullshit 

s.o.b. = son of a bitch 

an acronym 

R&R = rest and relaxation 

btw = by the way 

brb = be right back 

Send me a DM. = Direct message/mail

Send me a PM. = a private message
I pmd him. = I private messengered him. 

IMHO = in my honest opinion
Trump is an idiot IMHO.

IRL = In Real Life

I lold. = I laughed out loud. 

GTFO = get the fuck out

STFU = shut the fuck up

WTF = What the fuck 

RT = retweet 

TTYL = talk to you later 

SMH = shaking my head

Nico Oct. 12, 2016

Nico Oct. 12, 2016
1. I’m sorry. < I apologize
2. Thank you for your help. < I appreciate your help. 
3. John Podesta Says Russian Spies Hacked His Emails to Sway Election

to hack = to break into and get or steal things on computers
to sway = to influence = 影響する

2. Republican politicians fall back in line behind Trump after defecting
Many Republicans decided to leave Trump. 
Many Republicans decided to abandon Trump. 

Many Republicans decided to cut ties with Trump. 

disavow 【他動】 〔知識・責任・関与などを〕否定する、否認する, deny any responsibility or support for.

He fell back in line with Trump. 

to fall in line behind sb = to follow and support

to fall back in line behind sb = to follow and support someone again

to defect = 離脱する、逃亡する、亡命する
to defect = to leave a country or political group

rude vs. lewd
rude = 失礼な、行儀悪い
lewd = 下品な= vulgar = obscene = lascivious

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

TUESDAY - Oct. 11th -I'm back. Clinton vs. Trump! (会員)

TUESDAY - Oct. 11th -I'm back. Clinton vs. Trump! (会員)

1. An old video tape was leaked to the press.

2. a hot mic = the mic is turned on

3. entitlement
Trump thinks he is entitled.

And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy.
the "p" word.

rude = 失礼 ,    lewd = 下品な

vulgar, dirty, lewd, lascivious, raunchy, off-color, filthy, bad

lascivious = 好色な、いやらしい

lurking = hanging out in the back in a scary way

Most people called it for Hillary.
Most people think that Hillary won the debate.

Trump said he would put Hillary in jail if he won.
The leak was strategic.

incriminating【形】    罪に陥れるような、有罪判決を招くような、自分に不利な

divert【他動】    ~をそらす、(方向)転換する、迂回させる、かわす

Leaked email: Top Clinton adviser said Chelsea was 'acting like a spoiled brat' in 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tues. Oct. 4th - Cool news stories

Tues. Oct. 4th - Cool news stories

1. a pun = a word joke

2. Please bear with me. = Please have patience.

consecutive = one after the other

Man survives two consecutive grizzly bear attacks, gets on Facebook, posts a video

a flap of skin is hanging over his ear

grizzly bear 《動物》グリズリー・ベア、ハイイログマ

When a polar bear and a grizzly bear breed, the offspring is called a prizzly bear or grolar bear.

Grizzly-polar bear hybrid

global warming = 地球温暖化

気候変動 = climate change

While on a hike Saturday morning he came across two cubs and their very protective mother.

She charged him. She mauled him.

He was mauled pretty badly the first time.

In his video account Orr exudes a sense of optimism and confidence.

He says he walked three miles after the attack, and then spent eight hours being stitched up once he finally got to the hospital.
He walked 3 miles after the attack, and then spent 8 hours being stitched at the hospital.
I am confident that Hillary Clinton will win.
I am not confident that Hillary Clinton will win.
I am confident about my English.
I am not confident about my English.
You shouldn’t be too confident.
Don’t be too confident.
He is arrogant.  傲慢な
elegant = 雅
Someone leaked Trumps tax records from 1995.
He lost almost a billion dollars in 1995.
The cup is leaking.
I have to take a leak.

He is always bragging about his business ability.

(会員) 11pm, Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 - RANDOM!

(会員) 11pm, Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 - RANDOM!
1. You should have called yourself.
You could have called yourself. 
fun business expressions
2a. I’ll treat you.
I’ll treat you to ~.

I’ll treat you to dinner.,
I’ll treat you to a beer.

2b. This beer is my treat., Dinner is my treat.

3. I’ll buy you ~.
I’ll buy dinner., Let me buy you dinner. 

4. ~ is on me.
Dinner’s on me.,  
It’s on me. 

5. The first round is on me. You get the next round.
The first round is on me.,
You get the next round.

6. I’ll shout you a beer. 
~ is on the house. = ~ is free.

7. The casino is comping my room.,
They comped my room.,
You room is comped.

8. to foot st

He foot the bill.,
He foot tuition.,

(会員) 11pm, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016 - MORE TRUMP!

(会員) 11pm, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016 - MORE TRUMP!
I’m sick of all the election coverage.
I’m fed up with all the election coverage.
I’m tired of all the election coverage.
He often puts his foot in his mouth.

to apologize for st:
I apologize for being late.

to double down on st
Trump doubled down on his statements/words.
to stand by st

Trump stands by his statements/words.
to apologize for st,  to take st back
I’m sorry I said that.  I take it back. I shouldn’t have said that. 
to retract st = to take st back
Example: Trump said Clinton should retract her statement. 
Clinton said half of Trump's supporters are deplorables.

to walk st back
She walked back her statement a little. 
He has chosen to be celibate.

She is celibate by choice. 
She is celibate but not by choice.