Monday Night! Halloween Lesson - 2! 10月31日(日曜日)英会話ライブレッスン
1. I’m scared to death of dying.
I’m scared to death of snakes.
2. Classic idiom: to give up the ghost = to die
He gave up the ghost. = He died.
He almost gave up the ghost. = He almost died.
3. He is very pale. = He was as white as a sheet.
4. She is my own flesh and blood. = She is related to me. She is related to me by blood.
5. Blood is thicker than water.
6. too rich for my blood
This is too expensive for me. = This is too rich for my blood. ]
7. a blue blood = a member of the royal family
8. to kill somebody in cold blood
She killed her husband in cold blood.
She felt no remorse and no regret.
remorse: 悔恨、自責の念、深い後悔、痛恨の念、良心の呵責
regret: ~を残念[遺憾・気の毒]に思う、後悔する、悔しく思う、残念ながら~する
9. She is responsible for his death. = She has blood on her hands.
10. They do not get along because something happened between them a long time ago. = There is bad blood between them.
There is no love lost between them.
11. You cannot get blood from a stone.
get blood from a stone
12. to smell blood = to gather because you know someone is injured and you want a piece
The reporters smell blood.
13. I’m sick to death of the election news.
= tired of, sick, fed up with
14. I feel like death warmed over. = very tired or sick
15. I’m tickled to death. = very pleased
16. I’m scared to death. = very scared = Same as number one.
17. I’m thrilled to death = very excited about st