Friday, October 14, 2016

Nico - Oct. 14, 2016

Nico - Oct. 14, 2016

fubar = "Fucked up beyond all recognition"

snafu = “Situation Normal All Fucked Up”

b.s. = bullshit 

s.o.b. = son of a bitch 

an acronym 

R&R = rest and relaxation 

btw = by the way 

brb = be right back 

Send me a DM. = Direct message/mail

Send me a PM. = a private message
I pmd him. = I private messengered him. 

IMHO = in my honest opinion
Trump is an idiot IMHO.

IRL = In Real Life

I lold. = I laughed out loud. 

GTFO = get the fuck out

STFU = shut the fuck up

WTF = What the fuck 

RT = retweet 

TTYL = talk to you later 

SMH = shaking my head

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