Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday - Oct. 20th - Movie expressions (会員)

Thursday - Oct. 20th - Movie expressions (会員)
The 24 Most Unforgettable Movie Quotes Of 2014

1. Whiplash
His conductor is a hard ass.
There are no 2 words in the English language more harmful than “good job”.
harmful = dangerous

2. Birdman
Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige, my friend.

popularity = 人気さ
a slut = a woman who will have sex with anyone.
She’s a slut. / He’s a male slut.

slutty 【形】 〈俗〉〔女性などが〕性的に放縦な、ふしだらな、みだらな◆否定的ニュアンスを伴う。

prestige 【名】 〔人に払われる〕敬意、尊敬

prestigious =【形】名声のある、一流の、高名な、誉れの高い

3. Racism describes a systemic advantage based on race.

Black people can’t be racists since we don’t stand to benefit from such a system.

to stand to benefit = to be in a position to benefit

4. Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future.

5. I think forgiveness has been highly underrated.
They underestimated him. = Trump was underrated.

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