Saturday, February 18, 2017

(会員) Monday night Feb. 13, 2017 - Food idioms - Part 2

Feb. 13, 2016
1. He’s a bad guy.
= He’s a bad ~.

2. Traditionally speaking, men
bring home the ~.

3. Teaching English at Action is my ~ and butter. = main source of money
The iPhone is Apple’s ~ and butter.

4. A: I want to get rich, but I don’t want to work.  
B: Well, you can’t have your ~ and eat it too.

5. Opera isn’t my cup of ~. = I just don’t like it very much.

6. There is no use crying over spilt ~.

7. That was easy. = That was a ~ of ~.

8. That was easy. = That was as easy as ~.

9. He told her my secret. = He spilled the ~.

10. Don’t invest all of your money into one thing. = Don’t put all of your ~ in one basket.

11. I don’t know why she is ~ me up. I guess she wants something.

12. I think there is something wrong with Donald Trump mentally. Half of the time,I think he is out to ~. 

Answer: 1. egg, 2. bacon, 3. bread, 4. cake, 5. tea, 6. milk, 7. piece of cake, 8. pie, 9. beans, 10. eggs, 11. buttering, 12. lunch

It only takes one rotten apple to spoil the bunch.
A rotten apple spoils the barrel.
An old slang for money is “bread”.
He let the cat out of the bag. = He told a secret.
She dumped him like a hot potato.
They dropped the stock like a hot potato. 
He is out to lunch.

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