Thursday, February 23, 2017

(会員) Thurs. night 11pm Feb. 23, 2017 - MORE useful idioms

Nico Feb. 23 2017
I hope you are all doing well.  
I trust you are all doing well.

1. It’s easy. = It’s a piece of ~.
=  It’s as ~ as pie. = It’s not ~ science. = It’s a walk in the ~.

Using this computer is a piece of ~.

2. I don’t feel well today. = I’m a little under the ~.

BONUS: a proverb = ことわざ

3. The early bird catches the ~.

4. I'm going to start over. = Back to the drawing ~.

5. After you make a mistake, you shouldn't be sad about it.
= There is no use crying over spilt ~.

6. I accidentally told him about the party. = I let the cat out of the ~.

7. All my friends have been going to Hawaii for Christmas, so this year I decided to jump on the ~. I did it too.
I don’t want you to think I am jumping on the bandwagon, but …..

8. He did not pay attention, and he made a mistake. = He dropped the ~.

I’m sorry I dropped the ~.

9. That’s the last ~.

Answers: 1. cake, easy, rocket, park, 2. weather, 3. 早起きは三文の徳.. 4. board, 5. milk, 6. bag, 7. bandwagon, 8. ball, 9. straw

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